Dictionary Definition :
dṛp 1
dṛp or dṛph, cl. 6. P. dṛpati or dṛmp○
• dṛph○ or dṛmph○, to pain, torture Dhātup. xxviii, 28
dṛp 2
dṛp cl. 4. P. dṛpyati (darpati only ĀpDh. i, 13, 4
• fut. drápsyati or darpiṣyati Br.
• darpitā, ○ptā, and draptā Pāṇ. 7-2, 45
• pf. dadarpa
• aor. adṛpat Br.
• adrāpsīt Pāṇ. 3-1, 44 Vārtt. 7
• adarpīt and adārp sīt Vop.) to be mad or foolish, to rave Br.
• to be extravagant or wild, to be arrogant or proud, to be wildly delighted. MBh. Kāv. &c
• to light, kindle, inflame (darpati or darpayati Dhātup. xxxiv, 14, vḷ. for chṛd): Caus. darpayati, to make mad or proud or arrogant Pañc. Kathās.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William