Dictionary Definition :
dṛśya 1
dṛ́śya mfn. visible, conspicuous RV. MBh. Kāv. &c
• to be looked at, worth seeing, beautiful, pleasing Hariv. Kāv. Pur.
• m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number
• n. any visible object Mālav. i, 9
• the visible world RTL. 119
• N. of a town = -pura, Brahmap
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
dṛśopama , dṛṣṭa , dṛṣṭa-ādi , dṛṣṭa-dharma , dṛṣṭa-dharma-śamaḥ , dṛśimat , dṛśīku , dṛśīka , dṛśi , dṛśenya