Dictionary Definition :
eṣ 1
eṣ (probably connected with 3. iṣ), cl. 1. P. Ā. eṣati (Impv. éṣatu p. éṣat inf. éṣe), -te, eṣāṃ-cakre, eṣitā, &c., to go, move Dhātup. xvi, 17
• to creep, glide RV. x, 89 ; 14 AV. vi, 67, 3
• to glide or hasten towards, attain, obtain RV. v, 41, 5 ; 66, 3 ; 86, 4
eṣ 2
êṣ (ā-√īṣ), P. Ā. -īṣati, -te, to hasten near or towards, fly at
• to endeavour to reach or obtain
• to desire, request RV.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William