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Dictionary Definition :

eṣin mfn. (generally ifc.) going after, seeking, striving for, desiring AitBr. MBh. Ragh. &c

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William

'dod pa

[translation-san] {LCh,MSA,MV,C,L} kāma

[translation-san] {C} spṛhatā

[translation-san] {C} spṛhayate (=spṛhet)

[translation-san] {C,MSA} spṛhā

[translation-san] {C} chandikatā

[translation-san] {C,N} icchā

[translation-san] {C} icchati

[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA} iṣṭa

[translation-san] {C,N} iṣyate

[translation-san] {MSA} eṣitā

[translation-san] {MSA} eṣin

[translation-san] {N} abhyupagama

[translation-san] {ā √kāṅkṣ} : {MSA}ākāṅkṣati

[translation-san] {MSA} ākāṅkṣaṇa

[translation-san] {C} ākāṅkṣamāna

[translation-san] {C} arthika

[translation-san] {MV} arthitva

[translation-san] {MSA} prārthita

[translation-san] {C,N} abhimata

[translation-san] {C} abhiprāya

[translation-san] {MSA} abhipreta

[translation-san] {MV,MSA,N} abhilāṣa

[translation-san] {MV} ruci

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} desire; wish; assert; assertions; accept; desire; consider

[translation-eng] {C} longing; long for; aspire to be; zeal; zealous; zest; temptation; wish for; look for; seek; considered; desired; is considered/regarded; can be desired; just as he plans; desirous; until he wishes; profitable; admitted; intent; intention; purpose; attempt (to hurt)

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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