establish : (v.t.) patiṭṭhāpeti; saṇṭhapeti. (pp.) patiṭṭhāpita; saṇṭhapita.
nye bar dgod
- dgod
- 'god
- bkod
- 'god
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} set/state/establish/arrange/register/make a record/place [on throne]/put [a signature]; array; affix
nye bar sgrub
- bsgrub
- sgrub
- bsgrubs
- sgrubs
[translation-san] {L} upasaṃhārati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} establish
[translation-eng] bring to mind; help; arrange; compare; bring; induce
nye bar sgrub pa
- bsgrub
- sgrub
- bsgrubs
- sgrubs
[translation-san] {MSA} upasaṃhāra
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} establish
[translation-eng] bring to mind; help; arrange; compare; bring; induce
nye bar bsgrub
- bsgrub
- sgrub
- bsgrubs
- sgrubs
[translation-san] {C} upasaṃhārati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} establish
[translation-eng] bring to mind; help; arrange; compare; bring; induce
nye bar bsgrubs te
- bsgrub
- sgrub
- bsgrubs
- sgrubs
[translation-san] {C} upasampadaya
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} establish
[translation-eng] {C} in the attainment of; having entered on
nyer bsgrubs
- bsgrub
- sgrub
- bsgrubs
- sgrubs
[translation-san] {MSA} upasaṃhāra
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} establish; establishment
- theb/
- 'theb/
- thebs/
- 'thebs/
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} a session or a time; plant; establish
[comments] Check tenses. Thumi (p.122) list those above as meaning: To be fallen in the hands of; to be accurate; etc. ??? {T}
- [bod] lha dran thebs gcig
- [eng] one session of being mindful of the deity{TGP}
- [bod] skyed thebs res chog go
- [eng] one time of generation is sufficient for each day{TGP}
gnas pa
[translation-san] {C,MV,MSA} sthāna {C}(=vyavasthāna)
[translation-san] {C} pratisthā
[translation-san] {C} avasthita
[translation-san] {C} avatiṣṭate
[translation-san] {C} tiṣṭhati
[translation-san] {C} pratyupatiṣṭhati
[translation-san] {C} -stha
[translation-san] {MV} stha
[translation-san] {C} pratiṣṭhate
[translation-san] {C,MSA} pratiṣṭhāna
[translation-san] {C} saṃsthiti
[translation-san] {C,MSA} sthita
[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} sthiti
[translation-san] {C} sthānatā (=vyavasthāna)
[translation-san] {MSA} pratypasthāyin
[translation-san] {C} sthitasya-anyathātva
[translation-san] {MSA} avasthatva
[translation-san] {C} āśraya
[translation-san] {MV,C} āśrita
[translation-san] {C} niśrita
[translation-san] {C} niśrayu
[translation-san] {C} ālaya
[translation-san] {C} ādhāra
[translation-san] {C} līna (=abhiniviṣṭa)
[translation-san] {C,MSA} vāsa
[translation-san] {C} saṃvasati (sārddhaṃ)
[translation-san] {C} saṃvāsa
[translation-san] {C} adhyāvasati
[translation-san] {C,MSA} vihāra {C}(=yoga)
[translation-san] {MSA} viharaṇa
[translation-san] {MSA} vihārin
[translation-san] {MSA} vihāritva
[translation-san] {C} saṃsarga
[translation-san] {C} vartate
[translation-san] {MSA} vṛtti
[translation-san] {MV} sanniveśa
[translation-san] {C} saṃniveśa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} abide; dwell; source; state; situation; remain; last; stay; place; abode; topic; object; retention
[translation-eng] {C} stands still; take one's stand; establish; abide in; established; engaged in; abiding; to hang on to; settling place; stands; abides; stand up; firmly grounded in; have set out; firm grounding; firm foundation; to be supported; support; establishing oneself; set up; one who stands firm; one who stands on; establishment; what can be; (as is) stationed; standing place; a place to stand on; situation; standpoint; section; stand; station; conditon; subsistence; taking one's stand; place to rest on; supported; in dependence on; leans on; based on; inhabiting; dwell on in mind; slack; slouch; cowed; sluggishness; dwelling; residing; houses; become intimate with; become partial to; intimacy; close contact with; commerce with; proceeds; alteration of what is established; home; support (e.g.: na sthānaṃ vidyate, it is quite impossible; nedaṃ sthānaṃ vidyate, that is impossible; naitat sthānaṃ vidyate, that is impossible); {D2}abiding
rnam par bkod pa
- dgod
- 'god
- bkod
- 'god
[translation-san] {C} vyūha (=samūhaḥ)
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} set; state; establish; arrange; register; make a record; place [on throne]; put [a signature]; array; affix
[translation-eng] {C} array; mass; (miraculous) harmony
rnam par bsgrubs pa
- bsgrub
- sgrub
- bsgrubs
- sgrubs
[translation-san] {C} viṭhapita (=abhūta-parikalpa-prabhavatvāt)
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} achieve; attain; accomplish; establish
[translation-eng] {C} fabricated (by thought-construction)