Dictionary Definition :
etā́vat mfn. so great, so much, so many, of such a measure or compass, of such extent, so far, of such quality or kind RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
• (often in connection with a relative clause, the latter generally following
• etāvān eva puruṣo yaj jāyâtmā prajā, a man is of such measure as i.e. made complete by his wife, himself, and his progeny Mn. ix, 45) R. BhP. Hit. &c
• (at), ind. so far, thus far, so much, in such a degree, thus RV. vii, 57, 3 ŚBr. Hit. &c
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
etāvattva , etceteras , etch , ete , ete hi , etāvanmātra , etāvan , etāvaddhā , etāvad , etāvacchas