final : (adj.; n.) 1. antima; carima; pacchima; osāna; 2. sunicchita.
[translation-san] {LCh,C} atyanta
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} (1) intensifier: completely; utterly; final; at all; forever (2) order; system
gtogs pa
[translation-san] {C} āpta
[translation-san] {L} niṣṭha
[translation-san] {C} paryāpanna
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} to include
[translation-eng] {C} what belongs; trustworthy; right; true; complete; end; finaL, assign; classify; belong to; included in; comprises
tha ma
[translation-san] {MV} ante
[translation-san] {C,MSA} paryavasāna
[translation-san] {C,MV} paścimam
[translation-san] {MSA} avasāna
[translation-san] {MSA} carama
[translation-san] {MSA} nikṛṣṭa
[translation-san] {MV} apara (=avara?)
[translation-san] {C} mṛdu
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} last; final
[translation-eng] {C} the end; end; terminus; come to an end; finally; soft
tha mar
[translation-san] {C} paścima
[translation-eng] {C} future; last; ending with; final
[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA,MV} anta
[translation-san] {C} paryanta
[translation-san] {C} koṭi
[translation-san] {C} niṣṭhā (e.g.: niṣṭhāṃ gacchati)
[translation-san] {C} tīra
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} extreme; limit; end; alternative; possibility{N}
[translation-eng] {C} extremes; beginning; point; boundary; ultimate; final; final conclusion; shore; edge; around
mtha' thug pa
[translation-san] {MSA} avasāna
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} final
mtha' thug par
[translation-san] {C} niṣṭhā
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} final; finally
mtha' ma
[translation-san] {MV} paryanta
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} final; end
mthar thug
[translation-san] {C} paścima
[translation-san] paryanta
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} [end-to-meet] final; complete
[translation-eng] {C} future; last; ending with
[comments] SW added Eng ""complete""
mthar thug pa
[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA,N} paryanta
[translation-san] {C} pariniṣṭha
[translation-san] {MSA} niṣṭhā
[translation-san] {MSA} niṣṭhā-gamana
[translation-san] {L,MSA} paryavasāna
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} [end-to-meet]; final; finality{N}; complete; completed
[translation-eng] outlying district; border; limit; carry to the limit
[comments] SW added Eng ""complete""