Dictionary Definition :
gahita : [pp. of gaṇhāti] taken; seized; grasped. (nt.), grip. || gāhita (pp. of gāheti), see gāhāpita.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Gahita (and gahīta Dh 311) (adj.) [pp. of gaṇhāti] seized. taken, grasped D i.16; DA i.107 (=ādinna, pavattita); J i.61; iv.2; PvA 43 (v. l. for text gaṇhita). -- nt. a grasp, grip DhA iii.175; -- gahitakaŋ karoti to accept VvA 260. -- duggahīta (always ˚gahīta) hard to grasp M i.132 sq.; A ii.147, 168; iii.178; Dh 311; J vi.307 sq.; sugahita (sic) easy to get J i.222.
-- bhāva (cittassa) the state of being held (back), holding back, preventing to act (generously) DhsA 370 (in expln of aggahitattaŋ cittassa Dhs 1122 see under ā˚).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
gahita: pp. of [gaṇhāti握持]
巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦