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Dictionary Definition :

garuka : [adj.] heavy; serious; grave.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Garuka [from garu] somewhat heavy. -- 1. lit. J i.134 (of the womb in pregnancy); Dh 310; Miln 102. Usually coupled & contrasted with lahuka, light: in def. of sense of touch Dhs 648; similarly w. sithila, dhanita, dīgha, rassa Miln 344; DA i.177 (in expl. of dasavidha vyañjana). -- 2. fig. (a) heavy, grave, serious esp. appld to -- āpatti, breach of regulations, offence (opp. lahuka) Vin v.115, 130, 145, 153; Dh 138 (ābādha, illness); appld to kamma at Vism 601 (one of the four kinds); nt. as adv. considerably Miln 92 (˚ŋ parinamati). <-> (b) important, venerable, worthy of reverence Th 2, 368 (Satthu sāsana=garukātabba ThA 251); Miln 140. -- (c) -- ˚ "heavy on," bent on, attaching importance to: nahāna˚ fond of bathing Vin i.196; tadattha˚ engaged in (jhāna) Nd2 264; kamma˚ attributing importance to k. Nd2 411; saddhamma˚ revering the Doctrine Sdhp. 520. Nibbāna -- garuka Vism 117 (+Nâdhimutta & N -- pabbhāra).
   -- āpatti a grievous offence, see above. As terasa g -- ˚ino at Miln 310.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

garuka([garu重]+[ka(形容詞化)]): a. 重(ㄓㄨㄥˋ)

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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