Dictionary Definition :
gatâgata mfn. (g. akṣadyūtâdi) going and coming BhP. xi, 28, 26
• n. going and coming, going to and fro, reiterated motion in general Bhag. ix, 21 Kathās. iii, (pl.) īc, cxviii, 119
• the flight of a bird backward and forward MBh. vii, 1902
• (in astron.) irregular course of the asterisms VarBṛ.
• appearance and disappearance, growth and decline R. vii, 51, 24
• n. pl. with √kṛ, to enter into a negotiation or treaty Rājat. viii
• cf. gamâgama
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
gatāgati , gātāgatika , gatajīva , gatajīvita , gatajvara , gatadivasa , gatadina , gatādhvan , gatādhi , gataddhin