generic image
Dictionary Definition :
don spyi
[translation-san] artha-sāmānya
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} meaning generality; meaning-generality; generic image; mental image
[translation-eng] {GD:399} object-universal
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid bum 'dzin rtog pa la bum pa ma yin pa las log par snang ba'i sgro btags kyi cha
[definition-eng] Definition: that factor of super-imposition that is the appearance to the conceptual cognition [of something] as a pot despite its not being a pot {GD:399}
[comments] one of the three types of generality (spyi); for others see: spyi; see also: bum pa'i don spyi
- [bod] stong nyid don spyi'i tshul du rtogs pa'i mkhyen pa
- [eng] an exalted knower which realizes emptiness in the manner of a meaning generality{PGP 86}
- [bod] rtog pa la gnyis snang yod pa snang ngor don spyi snang ba
- [eng] a conceptual consciousness's having dualistic appearance [refers to the fact that] a meaning-generality appears in the face of its appearance factor.
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary