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Dictionary Definition :

ghara : [nt.] house.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Ghara1 (nt.; pl. ˚ā Dh 241, 302) [cp. gaha & geha] a house A ii.68; Sn 43 (gahaṭṭhā gharaŋ āvasantā), 337 (abl. gharā), 889 (id. gharamhā); J i.290 (id. gharato);iv.2, 364, 492 (ayo˚); Pug 57; Miln 47. Combd with vatthu PvA 3, 17. -- sūcighara a needle -- case VvA 251.
   -- ājira house -- yard Vism 144 (where Dhs A 116 in id. passage reads gharadvāra). -- āvāsa the household life (as contrasted with the life of a mendicant) Vinii.180 (gharāvāsatthaŋ); A ii.208; M i.179, 240, 267, 344; Sn 406 (cp. S v.350); J i.61; PvA 61; -- kapoṭa [Sk. gṛhakapota] the house -- pigeon Miln 364, 403; -- golikā house or domestic lizard J ii.147. -- dāsī a female house -- slave Pv ii.321; -- dvāra a house -- door J iv.142; Dhs A 116; PvA 93; -- bandhana the bonds of the house, i. e. the establishing of marriage DhA i.4; -- mukha an opening in the house, the front of the house Nd2 177; -- mesin one who looks after the house, a pater familias, householder Sn 188; It 112 (gahaṭṭha+); J vi.575; -- sandhi a cleft or crevice in the house PvA 24; -- sūkara a tame, domestic pig DhA iv.16.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Ghara2 [a drink (cp. gala) & garala poison] (˚ -- ); in -- ˚dinnak- ābādha sickness in consequence of a poisonous drink (expl. as suffering fr. the results of sorcery) Vin i.206 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.60); -- visa poison Pug 48; DhA ii.38; -- sappa a poisonous snake DhA ii.256.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

ghara: n. 家

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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