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go : (v.i.) gacchati; vajati; yāti; carati; pavattati. (pp.) gata; yāta; pavatita.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

go : [m.] an ox; cattle in general.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Go (m. -- f.) [Vedic go, Lat. bos, Gr. bou_s, Ohg. chuo, Ags. cū=E. cow] a cow, an ox, bull, pl. cattle. For f. cp. gāvī; see also gava˚ for cpds. -- Sg. nom. go (Sn 580, also in composition, cp. aja -- go -- mahisādi PvA 80=pasū); gen. gavassa (M i.429); instr. gavena, gāvena; acc. gavaŋ, gāvan; abl. gavamhā, gavā (D i.201=Aii.95= Pug 69); loc. gavamhi, gāvimhi (SnA 323), gave (Sn 310). -- Pl. nom. gāvo (D i.141; M i.225; A i.205; ii.42 sq.; Sn 20, 296, 307; J i.295); gen. gonaŋ Aii.75 (cp. Vedic gonām), gavaŋ (J iv.172, cp. gavaŋ pati), gunnaŋ (A i.229, ii.75; v.271; J i.194; iii.112; iv.223); instr. gohi (Sn 33); acc. gāvo (M i.225; A i.205; Sn 304; Dh 19, 135); abl. gohi; loc. gosu, gavesu. -- See also gava, gavesati, goṇa.
   -- kaṇṭaka the hoof of an ox, in ˚haṭā bhūmi, trampled by the feet of cattle Vin i.195; A i.136 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.34); -- kaṇṇa a large species of deer J v.406 (=gaṇin), 416 (khagga+); DhsA 331 (gavaya+); cp. next; -- kāṇā (f.) =gokaṇṇa D iii.38=53; -- kula (nt.) a cow pen, a station of cattle S iv.289; -- gaṇa a herd of cattle M i.220; A i.229; J ii.127; DhA i.175; VvA 311; -- ghaŋsikā a cow -- hide (?). Vin ii.117 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.98); -- ghātaka one who kills cows, a butcher D ii.294 (in simile); M i.58, 244, 364 (˚sūnā, slaughter -- house); S ii.255; iv.56; A iii.302, 380; J v.270; Vism 348 (in simile). -- cara I. Lit. A. (noun -- m.) pasture, lit. "a cow's grazing," search after food; fodder, food, subsistence (a) of animals: J i.221; iii.26; Dh 135 (daṇḍena gopālo gāvo pāceti gocaraŋ: with a stick the cowherd drives the cattle to pasture). Sīho gocarāya pakkamati "the lion goes forth for his huut" A ii.33= iii.121; gocarāya gacchati to go feeding, to graze Sn 39; Ji.243; gocare carati to go feeding, to feed J i.242.<-> (b) metaph. of persons, esp. the bhikkhu: pucchitabba gocara (and agocara) "enquiries have to be made concerning the fitness or otherwise of his pasturage (i. e. the houses in which he begs for food)" Vin ii.208; samaṇo gocarato nivatto an ascetic returned from his "grazing" Pv iv.142: Similarly at Vism 127, where a suitable g. -- gama ranks as one of the 7 desiderata for one intent on meditation. -- B. (adj.) ( -- ˚) feeding on or in, living in; metaph. dealing with, mixing with. vana˚ living in the woods Pv ii.65; vāri˚ (in water) Sn 605; jala˚ (id.) J ii.158 (opp. thala˚). Vesiyā˚ (etc.) associating with v. Vin i.70. -- II. Applied. A. (noun -- m. or nt.) a "field" (of sense perception, etc.), sphere, object; -- ˚ food for, an object of (a) psychologically indriyānaŋ nānāgocarāni various spheres of sense -- perception S v.218; sense -- object (=ārammaṇaŋ) Ps i.180; ii.97; 150 sq.; DhsA 314, 315 (sampatta˚ physical contact with an object, gandha˚ smell -- contact, i. e. sensation); indriya˚ Sdhp 365. -- (b) ethically: ariyānaŋ gocare ratā "finding delight in the pasture of the good," walking in the ways of the good Dh 22; vimokho yesaŋ gocaro "whose pasture is liberty" Dh 92=Th 1, 92. Esp. in phrase ācāra -- gocara -- sampanna "pasturing in the field of good conduct" D i.63=It 118; M i.33; S v.187; It. 96; analysed as Dvandva cpd. at Vbh 246, 247, but cp. pāpācāra -- gocara Sn 280, 282. This phrase (ācāra -- gocara) is also discussed in detail at Vism 19, where 3 kinds of gocarā are distinguished, viz. upanissaya˚, ārakkha˚, upanibandha˚. So also in contrast w. agocara, an unfit pasture, or an unfit, i. e. bad, sphere of life, in gocare & agocare carati to move in a congenial or uncongenial sphere A iii.389; iv.345 sq.; D iii.58=77; Sv.147; Vbh 246, 247 (expl. w. vesiyā˚ etc., cp. above=having bad associations). -- B. (adj.) -- ˚: belonging to, dependent on, falling to the share of: eta˚ dependent on this M i.319; sattasaddhamma˚, moving in the sphere of the seven golden rules S iii.83; rūpa˚ to be perceived by sight J i.396; Nibbāna˚ belonging to N. Sdhp 467. -- ˚kusala (adj.) skilled in (finding proper) food; clever in right living -- ˚ behaving properly in, exercising properly M i.220=A v.347 (of a cowherd driving out his cattle); S iii.266 sq. (samādhi˚); A iii.311 (do.) v.352 sq. (w. ref. to cattāro satipaṭṭhānā); -- ˚gahaṇa the taking of food, feeding J i.242; -- ˚gāma a village for the supply of food (for the bhikkhus) PvA 12, 42; -- ˚ṭṭhāna pasturage J iii.52; -- ˚pasuta intent on feeding J iii.26; -- ˚bhūmi pasturage, a common DhA iii.60; -- ˚visaya (the sphere of) an object of sense S v.218; Vbh 319; -- caraṇa pasturing J vi.335; -- ṭṭha (nt.) [Sk. goṣṭha to sthā to stand; cp. Lat. stabulum, stable; super -- stes; Goth. awistr] a cow -- stable, cow -- pen M i.79; J iv.223; -- pa [Sk. gopa, cp. gopati] a cowherd, herdsman Sn 18; Dh 19; J iv.364 (a robber); Vism 166 (in simile); DhA 157, f. gopī Sn 22, 32; -- pakhuma (adj.) having eyelashes like a heifer D ii.18; iii.144, 167 sq.; VvA 162, 279 (=āḷārapamha); -- pada a cow's footprint, a puddle A iii.188; iv.102; Miln 287; also ˚padaka A iii.188 v. l.; DA i.283; -- pariṇāyaka leader of the cows, Ep. of a bull (gopitā+) M i.220, 225; -- pāla a cowherd (usually as ˚ka) Dh 135; -- pālaka=prec. Vin i.152, 243 sq.; M i.79, 115 sq., 220=A v.347; M i.333; S iv.181; A i.205 ( -- ˚uposatha); Miln 18, 48; Vism 279 (in comparison); DhA iii.59; -- pitā "father (protector) of the cows"=gavaŋ pati, Ep. of a bull M i.220 (+˚pariṇāyaka); -- pī f. of gopa, q. v.; -- pura (nt.) [Sk. gopura] the gate of a city J vi.433; Miln 1, 67, 330; Bdhd 138; -- balivadda in ˚nayena; in the expression gobalivadda (black -- cattle -- bull) i. e. by an accumulation of words VvA 258; -- bhatta cows' fodder J iv.67; -- maṇḍala ox -- beat, ox -- round, Cp. iii.151 (as gā˚), quoted J i.47 (cp. assa -- m˚); SnA 39; also in phrase ˚paribbūḷha Sn 301 (expld by SnA 320 as goyūthehi parikiṇṇa); J vi.27; at M i.79 however it means the cowherds or peasants (see note M i.536: gopāladārakā or gāmadārakā to v. l. gāmaṇḍala) cp. gāmaṇḍala; -- maya (m. nt.) cowdung M i.79; A i.209, 295; v.234, 250, 263 sq.; Nett 23; DhA i.377. -- ˚pāṇaka a coprophagan, dor beetle J ii.156; -- ˚piṇda a lump of cowdung J i.242; -- ˚bhakkha eating cowdung D i.166≈; -- māyu a jackal Pgdp 49; -- mutta (and ˚ka) a precious stone of light red colour VvA iii; DhsA 151; -- medaka=gomuttaka VvA 111.; -- medha a cow sacrifice, in ˚yañña SnA 323; -- yūtha a herd of cows SnA 322; DhA i.323; -- rakkhā (f.) cow -- keeping, tending cattle, usually combd with kasī, agriculturing M i.85; Pv i.56; J i.338;ii.128; given as a superior profession (ukkaṭṭha -- kamma) Vin iv.6. -- ravaka the bellowing of a cow M i.225; -- rasa (usually pl.) produce of the cow, enumd in set of five, viz. khīra, dadhi, takka, navanīta, sappi (milk, cream, buttermilk, butter, ghee) Vin i.244; DhA i.158, 323, 397; VvA 147; SnA 322; -- rūpa (collect.) cattle J i.194; iv.173; Miln 396 (bull); -- lakkhaṇa fortune telling from cows D i.9≈; -- vaccha (khīra˚ & takka˚) Vism 28. -- vatika [Sk. govratin] one who lives after the mode of cows, of bovine practices M i.387; Nett 99 (cp. govata DhsA 355, and Dhs. trsl. p. 261); -- vikattana (and ˚vikantana; Sk. vikṛntana) a butcher's knife M i.244, 449; A iii.380 Sdhp 381 (vikatta only); -- vittaka one whose wealth is cattle J i.191; -- vinda the supt. of cowherds A iii.373; -- sappi ghee from cow's milk Vin iii.251; DhsA 320; -- sālā cow -- stable A i.188; -- singa a cow's horn Vism 254. -- sita mixed with milk VvA 179; -- sīla=govatika DhsA 355; -- sīsa (nt.) an excellent kind of sandal wood PvA 215 (cp. Sp. AvS i.67, 68, 109); -- hanuka the jaw bone of a cow, in ˚ena koṭṭāpeti (koṭṭh˚ J) to massage with a cow's jaw bone Vin ii.266, J iv.188; v.303.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

go: m.牛

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opportunity; occasion; armor; (terminating particle indicating the end of a statement). As verb: understand

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opportunity; occasion; room; occasion for

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