icchati : [is + a] wishes; desires; longs for.
Icchati1 [Sk. icchati, iṣ, cp. Av. isaiti, Obulg. iskati, Ohg. eiscōn, Ags. āscian = E. ask; all of same meaning "seek, wish"] to wish, desire, ask for (c. acc.), expect S i.210 (dhammaŋ sotuŋ i.); Sn 127, 345, 512, 813, 836; Dh 162, 291; Nd1 3, 138, 164; Nd2 s. v.; Pv ii.63; Pug 19; Miln 269, 327; SnA 16, 23, 321; KhA 17; PvA 20, 71, 74; Pot. icche Dh 84; Sn 835 Pv ii.66 & iccheyya D ii.2, 10; Sn 35; Dh 73, 88; ppr. icchaŋ Sn 826, 831, 937; Dh 334 (phalaŋ) aor. icchi PvA 31. -- grd. icchitabba PvA 8. -- pp. iṭṭha & icchita (q. v.). <-> Note. In prep. -- cpds. the root iṣ2 (icchati) is confused with root iṣ1 (iṣati, eṣati) with pp. both ˚iṭṭha and ˚iṣita. Thus ajjhesati, pp. ajjhiṭṭha & ajjhesita; anvesati (Sk. anvicehati); pariyesati (Sk. parīcchati), pp. pariyiṭṭha & pariyesita.
Icchati2 [Sk. rcchati of ṛ, concerning which see appeti] see aticchati & cp. icchatā.
icchati: 欲求{單3opt. iccheyya; ppr. icchaṃ; pp. iṭṭha}
'dod pa
[translation-san] {LCh,MSA,MV,C,L} kāma
[translation-san] {C} spṛhatā
[translation-san] {C} spṛhayate (=spṛhet)
[translation-san] {C,MSA} spṛhā
[translation-san] {C} chandikatā
[translation-san] {C,N} icchā
[translation-san] {C} icchati
[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA} iṣṭa
[translation-san] {C,N} iṣyate
[translation-san] {MSA} eṣitā
[translation-san] {MSA} eṣin
[translation-san] {N} abhyupagama
[translation-san] {ā √kāṅkṣ} : {MSA}ākāṅkṣati
[translation-san] {MSA} ākāṅkṣaṇa
[translation-san] {C} ākāṅkṣamāna
[translation-san] {C} arthika
[translation-san] {MV} arthitva
[translation-san] {MSA} prārthita
[translation-san] {C,N} abhimata
[translation-san] {C} abhiprāya
[translation-san] {MSA} abhipreta
[translation-san] {MV,MSA,N} abhilāṣa
[translation-san] {MV} ruci
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} desire; wish; assert; assertions; accept; desire; consider
[translation-eng] {C} longing; long for; aspire to be; zeal; zealous; zest; temptation; wish for; look for; seek; considered; desired; is considered/regarded; can be desired; just as he plans; desirous; until he wishes; profitable; admitted; intent; intention; purpose; attempt (to hurt)
'dod pa bskyed pa
- bskyed
- skyed
- bskyed
- skyed
[translation-san] {C} icchati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} produce desire; desire
[translation-eng] {C} seek; look; wish; wish for
'dod par bya
[translation-san] {C} icchati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} desire
[translation-eng] {C} seek; look for; wish; wish for