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Ida & Idaŋ (indecl.) [nt. of ayaŋ (idaŋ) in function of a deictic part.] emphatic demonstr. adv. in local, temporal & modal function, as (1) in this, here: idappaccayatāhaving its foundation in this, i. e. causally connected, by way of cause Vin i.5 = S i.136; D i.185; Dhs 1004, 1061; Vbh 340, 362, 365; Vism 518; etc. -- (2) now, then which idha is more freq.) D ii.267, 270, almost syn. (for with kira. -- (3) just (this), even so, only: idam -- atthika just sufficient, proper, right Th 1, 984 (cīvara); Pug 69 (read so for ˚maṭṭhika, see Pug A 250); as idam -- atthitā "being satisfied with what is sufficient" at Vism 81: expld. as atthika -- bhāva at Pug A 250. idaŋsaccâbhinivesa inclination to say: only this is the truth, i. e. inclination to dogmatise, one of the four kāya -- ganthā, viz. abhijjhā, byāpāda, sīlabbata -- parāmāsa, idaŋ˚ (see Dhs 1135 & Dhs trsl. 304); D iii.230; S v.59; Nd1 98; Nett 115 sq.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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