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Identity, Personal. This philosophical problem has special importance in religion and not least in Christian theology. The Christian doctrine of human destiny is a resurrection doctrine; i.e., my resurrection is possible through Christ, entailing my survival of my present body. But if at my death the cells of my brain die and with them the memory that they contain, how, if I am resurrected in another and "glorified" body, can I know of any relation to the body I now have and the experiences that have become an integral part of what I call "me"? My resurrection would then be meaningless to me. The difficulty is not insurmountable; but only by means of a special philosophical stance such as is to be found in Plato, in Kant, and others, can it be overcome. Proponents of personal resurrection, reincarnation, and immortality must recognize and deal with the philosophical problem of personal identity.

Geddes MacGregor, Dictionary of Religion and Philosophy, New York: Paragon House, 1989
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