include : (v.t.) antokaroti; samodahati. (pp.) antokata; samodahita.
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {C} ādadati
[translation-san] {MSA} (upa √guh): upaguhya
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} to collect; include; abridge
[translation-eng] {C} assemble
sdud pa
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {C,MSA} saṃgraha
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃgrāhaka
[translation-san] {MSA,MV} karṣaṇa
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; collection; include; inclusion; compendium
[translation-eng] {C} comprehension; assembling; comprehended; attraction; comprising; that which comprehends; complete removal of; are summed up in; combine; comprised; combination; summary; means of conversion
sdud par bgyid
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {C} saṃkṣipati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; include; abridge
[translation-eng] {C} assemble; compress
sdud par 'gyur ba
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {MSA} (√grah): grahīṣyante
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; include; abridge
- bsdu/
- sdud/
- bsdus/
- sdus/
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} to collect; include; abridge
- bsdu/
- sdud/
- bsdus/
- sdus/
[translation-san] {MV} saṃgrāhya
[translation-san] {MSA} saṃgrahaṇa
[translation-san] {MV} (√kṛ): kriyate
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; conclude; gather; include; abridge
[comments] Check tense {T}
bsdu ba
- bsdud/
- sdud/
- bsdu/
- sdus/
- rnam
- par
- gtan
- la
- dbab
- pa
- bsdu
- ba/
[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} saṃgraha
[translation-san] {C} saṃgraha-vastu
[translation-san] {C} saṃkṣipya
[translation-san] {C} samāsa
[translation-san] {L} piṇḍa
[translation-san] saṃgrahaṇī
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; conclude; gather; include; abridge; Asaṅga's Compendium of Ascertainments (nirnaya-saṃgraha); ""the Compendium""
[translation-eng] {C} comprehension; assembling; comprehended; attraction; comprising; that which comprehends; complete removal of; are summed up in; combine; comprised; combination; summary; means of conversion; composed; collected; means of conversion; briefly; object
[comments] See previous re: Tense {T}
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {saṃ √kṣip} : {MSA}saṃkṣipya
[translation-san] {MV} abhisaṃkṣip-
[translation-san] {MV} abhisaṃkṣepa
[translation-san] {C} paripiṇḍayati
[translation-san] {C} pratisaṃhṛtavān
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; conclude; gather; include; abridge
[translation-eng] {C} heaps up; withdrew
bsdus pa
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {MSA} samuccaya
[translation-san] {C} saṃkṣipta
[translation-san] {C} saṃkṣepa
[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV} saṃgraha
[translation-san] {C,MSA,MV 3.22def.} saṃgṛhīta
[translation-san] {C} pratisaṃhṛte
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} collect; compose; gather; include; abridge
[translation-eng] {C} composed; collected; collectedness; condensed; embodied in; comprised; incorporated; comprehended; which was withdrawn