Dictionary Definition :
jīyati : [ji + ya] becomes diminished; loses; becomes old; decays.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Jīyati [Pass. of ji, cp. Sk. jyāti & jīryate] to become diminished, to be deprived, to lose (cp. jayati, jāni); to decay; to become old (cp. jarati, jiṇṇa) jīyasi J v.100; jīyanti J iii.336 (dhanā); jīyittha S i.54; J i.468; mā jīyi do not be deprived of (ratiŋ) J iv.107. Koci kvaci na jīyati mīyati (cp. jāyati) D ii.30; cakkhūni jīyare the eyes will become powerless J vi.528 (=jīyissanti); grd. jeyya: see ajeyya2. Cp. parijīyati. Sometimes spelt jiyy˚: jiyyati J vi.150; jiyyāma J ii.75 (we lose= parihāyāma). Pp.jīna, q. v.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
jīyati, jiyyati , jīyi , jizō bosatsu , jjabhū , jñāna , jīyamāna , jiyā , jīvitvā , jīvitoparodheḥ , jīvitindriya