Janati1 [Sk. janati (trs.) & jāyate (intrs.); *gene & *gnē to (be able to) produce; Gr. gi/gnomai (ge/nesis) gnwto/s =jāta=(g)nātus; Lat. gigno, natura, natio; Goth. knōps & kunps; Cymr. geni, Ags. cennan, Ohg. kind, etc.] only in Caus. janeti [Sk. janayati] often spelled jāneti (cp. jaleti: jāleti) & Pass. (intrs.) jāyati to bring forth, produce, cause, syn. sañjaneti nibbatteti abhinibbatteti Nd2 s. v. (cp. karoti). ussāhaŋ j. to put forth exertion J ii.407 (see chanda); (saŋ)vegaŋ j. to stir up emotion (aspiration) J iii.184; PvA 32; Mhvs i.4; dukkhaŋ j. to cause discomfort PvA 63. -- Aor. janayi Th 2, 162 (Māyā j. Gotamaŋ: she bore). -- Pp. janita produced PvA 1. -- See also jantu jamma, jāta, jāti, ñāti, etc.
Janati2 to make a sound J vi.64 (=sanati saddaŋ karoti).