kañcuka : [m.] a jacket; an over-coat; an armour; mantle; the slough of a snake.
Kañcuka [from kañc (kac) to bind, cp. Gr. ka/kala fetter, Sk. kañcuka] 1. a closely fitting jacket, a bodice Vin i.306=ii.267; A i.145; DhA iii.295 (paṭa˚ŋ paṭimuncitvā dressed in a close bodice); PvA 63 (urago tacaŋ kañcukaŋ omuñcanto viya). -- 2. the slough of a snake (cp. 1) DA i.222. -- 3. armour, coat of mail J v.128 (sannāha˚); DA i.157 (of leather); Dāvs v.14. -- 4. a case, covering, encasement; of one pagoda incasing another: Mhvs i.42.
kañcuka as, ī (ifc. f. ā), am mf. n. (fr. √kañc?) a dress fitting close to the upper part of the body, armour, mail
• a cuirass, corselet, bodice, jacket BhP. [Page 243, Column 2] Ratnāv. Kathās. &c
• m. the skin of a snake Pañcat
• husk, shell Bhpr
• cover, cloth, envelope Bhpr
• (fig.) a cover, disguise Hcat
• = karabha L
• (ī), f. Lipeocercis Serrata L