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kaṇḍu : [f.] itch.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Kaṇḍu1 (f.) [perhaps from *kanad to bite, scratch; cp. Sk. kandara, Gr. knada/llw to bite, knw/dwn, knw/dalon, etc., Sk. kaṇḍu m. & f.] the itch, itching, itchy feeling, desire to scratch Vin i.202, 296; J. v.198; Vism 345. kaṇḍuŋ karoti to make or cause to itch J v.198; vineti to allay the itch, to scratch J v.199. -- (fig.) worldly attachment, irritation caused by the lusts, in "kaṇḍuŋ saŋhanti" (as result of jhāna) A iv. 437.
   -- uppala a kind of lotus -- blossom Dāvs iv.48; -- paṭicchādi an "itch -- cloth," i. e. a covering allowed to the bhikkhus when suffering from itch or other cutaneous disease Vin i.296, 297; iv.171, 172. -- rogin (adj.) suffering from the itch Khus 105.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Kaṇḍu˚2 [=kaṇḍa in compn] an arrow -- shot (as measure), in sahassa -- kaṇḍu sata -- bheṇḍu Th 1, 164=J ii.334 (but the latter: sata -- bhedo), expld at Th 1, 164n by sahassakaṇḍo sahassa [sata?] -- bhūmako, and at J ii.334 by sahassa -- kaṇḍubbedho ti pāsādo satabhūmiko ahosi; in preceding lines the expression used is "sahassa -- kaṇḍagamanaŋ uccaŋ."

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

kaṇḍu f. = kaṇḍū below Suśr
• (us), m. N. of a Ṛishi VP. BhP. &c

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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