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1. Kanha.-A name for Māra. E.g., Sn.v.355; M.i.377; D.ii.262; Thag.v.1189.

2. Kanha.-The name of the Bodhisatta; he was born in a brahmin family and later became a sage. He is also called Kanha-tāpasa, and is mentioned among those the memory of whose lives caused the Buddha to smile. See Kanha Jātaka (2). DhsA.294, 426.

3. Kanha.-Another name of Vāsudeva (J.iv.84, 86; vi.421; PvA.94ff ); the scholiast explains that he belonged to the Kanhāyanagotta.

4. Kanha.-Son of Disā, a slave girl of Okkāka. He was called Kanha because he was black and, like a devil (kanha), spoke as soon as he was born. He was the ancestor of the Kanhāyanagotta (D.i.93). Later he went into the Dekkhan and, having learnt mystic verses, became a mighty seer. Coming back to Okkāka, Kanha demanded the hand of the king's daughter Maddarūpī. At first the request was indignantly refused, but when Kanha displayed his supernatural powers he gained the princess. D.i.96f.; DA.i.266.

5. Kanha.-A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in the Isigili Sutta. M.iii.71.

6. Kanha.-A dog. See Mahā-Kanha.

7. Kanha.-See Kanhadīpāyana.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from

Kanha (adj.) [cp. Vedic kṛṣṇa, Lith. kérszas] dark, black, as attr. of darkness, opposed to light, syn. with kāḷa (q. v. for etym.); opp. sukka. In general it is hard to separate the lit. and fig. meanings, an ethical implication is to be found in nearly all cases (except 1.). The contrast with sukka (brightness) goes through all applications, with ref. to light as well as quality. I. Of the sense of sight: k -- sukka dark & bright (about black & white see nīla & seta), forming one system of coloursensations (the colourless, as distinguished from the red -- green and yellow -- blue systems). As such enumd in connection with quasi definition of vision, together with nīla, pīta, lohita, mañjeṭṭha at D ii.328=M i.509 sq. =ii.201 (see also mañjeṭṭha). -- II. (objective). 1. of dark (black), poisonous snakes: kaṇhā (f.) J ii.215 (=kāḷa -- sappa C); ˚sappa J i.336; iii.269, 347; v.446; Vism 664 (in simile); Miln 149; PvA 62; ˚sīsā with black heads A iii.241 (kimī). -- 2. of (an abundance of) smooth, dark (=shiny) hair (cp. in meaning E. gloom: gloss=black: shiny), as Ep. of King Vasudeva Pv ii.61, syn. with Kesavā (the Hairy, cp. *)apo/llwn *ou)lai_os Samson, etc., see also siniddha -- , nīla -- , kāla -- kesa). sukaṇha -- sīsa with very dark hair J v.205, also as sukaṇha -- kaṇha -- sīsa J v.202 (cp. susukāḷa). ˚jaṭi an ascetic with dark & glossy hair J vi.507, cp. v.205 sukaṇhajaṭila. ˚añjana glossy polish J v.155 (expld as sukhumakaṇha -- lom' ācitattā). -- 3. of the black trail of fire in ˚vattanin (cp. Vedic kṛṣṇa -- vartaniŋ agniŋ R. V. viii.23, 19) S i.69=J iii.140 (cp. iii.9); J v.63. <-> 4. of the black (fertile) soil of Avanti "kaṇh -- uttara" black on the surface Vin i.195. -- III. (Applied). 1. ˚pakkha the dark (moonless) half of the month, during which the spirits of the departed suffer and the powers of darkness prevail PvA 135, cp. Pv iii.64, see also pakkha1 3. -- 2. attr. of all dark powers and anything belonging to their sphere, e. g. of Māra Sn 355, 439 (=Namuci); of demons, goblins (pisācā) D i.93 with ref. to the "black -- born" ancestor of the Kaṇhāyanas (cp. Dh i.263 kāḷa -- vaṇṇa), cp. also kāḷa in ˚sunakha, the Dog of Purgatory PvA 152. -- 3. of a dark, i. e. miserable, unfortunate birth, or social condition D iii.81 sq. (brāhmano va sukko vaṇṇo, kaṇho añño vaṇṇo). ˚abhijāti a special species of men according to the doctrine of Gosāla DA i.162; A iii.383 sq. ˚abhijātika "of black birth," of low social grade D iii.251=A. iii.384; Sn 563; cp. Th 1, 833 and J.P.T.S. 1893, 11; in the sense of "evil disposition" at J v.87 (expld as kāḷaka -- sabhāva). -- 4. of dark, evil actions or qualities: ˚dhamma A v.232=Dh 87; D iii.82; Sn 967; Pug 30; Miln 200, 337; ˚paṭipadā J i.105, and ˚magga the evil way A v.244, 278; ˚bhāvakara causing a low (re -- )birth J iv.9 (+ pāpa -- kammāni), and in same context as dhamma combd with ˚sukka at A iv. 33; Sn 526 (where kaṇhā˚ for kaṇha˚): Miln 37; ˚kamma "black action" M i.39; ˚vipāka black result, 4 kinds of actions and 4 results, viz. kaṇha˚, sukka˚, kaṇha -- sukka˚, akaṇha -- asukka˚ D iii.230=M i.389 sq.=A ii.230 sq.; Nett 232. akaṇha 1. not dark, i. e. light, in ˚netta with bright eyes, Ep. of King Pingala -- netta J ii.242 in contrast with Māra (although pingala -- cakkhu is also Ep. of Māra or his representatives, cp. J v.42; Pv ii.41). -- 2. not evil, i. e. good A ii.230, 231. -- atikaṇha very dark Vin iv.7; sukaṇha id. see above ii.2.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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