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Dictionary Definition :

kaṇṭha : [m.] the neck; throat; guttural.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Kaṇṭha [*qṷent from *qṷelt, primarily neck, cp. Lat. collus "the turner." Syn. with k. is gīvā, primarily throat, Brh. kaṇṭha] 1. throat A iv.131; J v.448; Miln 152 (kaṇṭho ākurati, is hoarse); PvA 280 (akkharāni mahatā kaṇṭhena uccaritāni). The throat of Petas is narrow and parched with thirst: PvA 99 (k -- oṭṭha -- tālūnaŋ tassita), 180 (sūci˚ like a needle's eye, cp. sūcicchidda. v. l. sūcikaṭṭha "whose bones are like needles"), 260 (visukkha -- k -- ṭṭha -- jivhā). -- 2. neck Vin i.15; Dh 307 (kāsāva˚); Vv 6417 (expid at VvA 280 by gīvūpagasīsūpagādi -- ābharaṇāni). Esp. in loc. kaṇṭhe round the neck, with ref. to var. things tied round, e. g. kuṇapaŋ k. āsattaŋ A iv.377; kuṇapaŋ k. baddhaŋ J i.5; k. mālā J i.166, 192; k. bandhanti vaḍḍhanaŋ J iii.226; with the wreath of karavīra flowers (q. v.) on a criminal ready for execution: rattavaṇṇa -- virala -- mālāya bandhakaṇṭha PvA 4 (cp. AvŚ i.102; ii.182; karavīra -- mālābaddha [sakta ii.182] -- kaṇṭheguṇa).
   -- kūpa the cavity of the throat Mhbv 137. -- ja produced in the throat, i. e. guttural Sāsv 150. -- suttaka an ornamental string or string of beads worn round the neck Vin ii.106.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

kaṇṭha: m. 1. 喉嚨

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

kaṇṭhá m. (√kaṇ Uṇ. i, 105), the throat, the neck (cf. ā-kaṇṭha-tṛpta
• kaṇṭhe √grah, to embrace Kathās.)
• the voice (cf. sanna-kaṇṭha) MBh. BhP. &c
• sound, especially guttural sound W
• the neck (of a pitcher or jar), the narrowest part (e.g. of the womb
• of a hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited
• of a stalk &c.) Suśr. Hcat. Kathās. &c
• immediate proximity Pañcat
• Vanguiera Spinosa L
• N. of a Maharshi R
• (ī), f. neck, throat L
• a rope or leather round the neck of a horse L
• a necklace, collar, ornament for the neck L

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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