Dictionary Definition :
karṇín mfn. having ears AV. x, 1, 2 TS. vii
• relating to the ears
• (ifc.) having (a ring &c.) attached to the ear MBh. xiii
• furnished with flaps or anything similar (said of shoes) KātyŚr. xxii
• barbed, furnished with knots &c. (as a missile) Mn. vii, 90 MBh. Suśr. &c
• having a helm W
• (ī), m. a missile, arrow
• the side of the neck, the part near the ear W
• a steersman Kathās
• N. of one of the seven principal ranges of the mountains dividing the universe L
• (inī), f. (scil. yoni) a disease of the uterus (prolapsus or polypus uteri) Suśr. ii, 397, 7 ; 398, 11
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
karṇīratha , karṇīsuta , karṇodaya , karṇopakarṇikā , karṇorṇa , karṇikin , karṇikikā , karṇikārapriya , karṇikāraka , karṇikāra