Dictionary Definition :
kārya-abhisamaya: 'Abhisamaya qua effect'. MVŚ, 16b-c: Abhisamayais the penetration (*prativedhanā) into the ālambana-s; this is abhisamaya qua jñāna. Accomplishing the task is the abhisamaya qua effect; it is the abandonment of defilements. Abhisamaya is jñāna-parijñā; the accomplishing of a task (= kārya-abhisamaya) is prahāna-parijñā. Further, abhisamaya is achieved through the ānantarya-mārga; the accomplishment of the task is achieved through the vimukti-mārga.
Sarvastivada Abhidharma, Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti
kāryakaro nāma samādhi , kāryatva , kas gdugs , kasā , kaṣacam , kārya , karvaṭakaḥ , karutthāma , karūṣaka , karūṣaja