kaṣāya [kasāya, kasāva] fundamental faults
Dictionary Definition :
kaṣāya [kasāya, kasāva] fundamental faults. These faults are of five kinds.
(1) defilement regarding the span of human life (āyuḥ-kaṣāya). It means the shortening of the life-span of human beings as a whole.
(2) defilement regarding the condition of human being (sattva-kaṣāya). It is the state when people are mostly in a sorrowful condition.
(3) defilement regarding view (dṛṣṭi-kaṣāya). It means wrong and perverse thoughts and ideas become predominant.
(4) defilement regarding passions (kleśa kaṣāya) means violation of moral conduct is exalted.
(5) defilement of age (kalpa-kaṣāya). It is the age in which wars and natural calamities frequently take place.
Buddhānusmṛti - A Glossary of Buddhist Terms
Mahāyāna-Sūtrālaṅkāra. IX. 42. Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram. II. 56.