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kathā : [f.] speech; story; talk.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Kathā (f.) [fr. kath to tell or talk, see katheti; nearest synonym is lap, cp. vāc' âbhilāpa & sallāpa] 1. talk, talking, conversation A i.130; PvA 39. So in antarā˚ D i.179; Sn p. 107, 115; cp. sallāpa. Also in tiracchāna˚ low, common speech, comprising 28 kinds of conversational talk a bhikkhu should not indulge in, enumd in full at D i.7=178=iii.36 & passim (e. g. S v.419: corr. suddha˚ to yuddha˚!; A v.128=Nd2 192); ref. to at A iii.256; v.185; J i.58; Pug 35. Similarly in gāma˚ Sn 922; viggāhikā k. A iv.87; Sn 930. Ten good themes of conversation (kathā -- vatthūni) are enumd at M iii.113=A iii.117=iv.357=v.67; Miln 344; similarly dhammī kathā A ii.51; iv.307; v.192; Sn 325; pavattanī k. A i.151; yutta kathāyaŋ Sn 826; sammodanīyā k. in salutation formula s˚ŋ k˚ŋ sāraṇīyaŋ vītisāretvā D i.52, 108, etc.; A v.185; Sn 419, pp. 86, 93, 107, 116. -- 2. speech, sermon, discourse, lecture Vin i.203, 290 (˚ŋ karoti to discuss); A iii.174; iv. 358. Freq. in anupubbi˚ a sermon in regular succession, graduated sermon, discussing the 4 points of the ladder of "holiness," viz. dānakathā, sīla˚, sagga˚, magga˚ (see anupubba) Vin i.15; A iii.184; iv.186, 209, 213; DhA i.6; VvA 66. -- 3. a (longer) story, often with vitthāra˚ an account in detail, e. g. PvA 19. bāhira˚ profane story KhA 48. -- 4. word, words, advice: ˚ŋ gaṇhāti to accept an advice J ii.173; iii.424. -- 5. explanation, exposition, in aṭṭha˚ (q. v.), cp. gati˚ Ps ii.72. -- 6. discussion, in ˚vatthu (see below) Mhvs 5, 138. -- dukkathā harmful conversation or idle talk A iii. 181; opp. su˚ A iii.182. -- kathaŋ vaḍḍheti "to increase the talk," to dispute sharply J i.404; v.412. ˚ŋ samuṭṭhāpeti to start a conversation J i.119; iv. 73. -- At the end of cpds. (as adj.) ˚kathā e. g. chinna˚ Sn 711; ṭhita˚ DA i.73; madhura˚ J iii.342; vi.255.
   -- âbhiññāṇa recollection due to speech Miln 78, 79. -- ojja (k˚ -- udya, to vad) a dispute, quarrel Sn 825, 828. -- dhamma a topic of conversation DA i.43. -- nigghosa the sound of praise, flattery J ii.350. -- pavatti the course of a conversation J i.119; DhA i.249; Mhbv 61. -- pābhata subject of a conversation, story J i.252, 364. -- bāhulla abundance of talk, loquacity A iv.87. -- magga narrative, account, history J i.2. -- rasa the sweetness of (this) speech Miln 345. -- vatthu 1. subject of a discourse or discussion, argument M i.372; ii.127, 132. There are 10 enumd at A iv.352, 357 (see kathā) and at Vism 19 as qualities of a kalyāṇa -- mitta, referred to at A v.67, 129; Vism 127; DhA iv.30. Three are given at D iii.220=A i.197. ˚kusala well up in the subjects of discussion VvA 354. -- 2. N. of the fifth book of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, the seven constituents of which are enumd at var. places (e. g. DA i.17; Mhbv 94, where Kvu takes the 3rd place), see also J.P.T.S. 1882, 1888, 1896. -- samuṭṭhāna the arising of a discussion Mhvs 5, 138. -- samuṭṭhāpana starting a conversation J i.119; iii.278; DhA i.250. -- sampayoga conversational intercourse A i.197. -- sallāpa talk, conversation Vin i.77; D i.89 sq., 107 sq.; ii.150; M i.178; A ii.197; v.188; Ud 40; J ii.283; Miln 31; DA i.276 (expld as kathanapaṭikathana); DhA ii.91 (˚ŋ karoti) VvA 153.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

kathā: f. 談論

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦

kathā (for 2. col. 3), f. conversation, speech, talking together ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Mn. &c
• talk, mention
• (kā kathā [with gen. or more commonly with loc. and sometimes with prati), what should one say of? how should one speak of? e.g. eko'pi kṛcchrād varteta bhūyasāṃ tu kathâiva kā, even one person would live with difficulty, what should one say of many? i.e. how much more many? Kathās. iv, 123
• kā kathā bāṇa-saṃdhāne, what mention of fitting the arrow? i.e. what necessity for fitting the arrow? Śak. 53 a)
• story, tale, fable MBh. R. Hit. &c
• a feigned story, tale (as one, of the species of poetical composition) Sāh. 567 Kāvyâd
• Story (personified) Kathās
• (in log.) discussion, disputation Sarvad

kathā 2
kathā́ (for 1. col. 1), ind. (Ved. for kathám Pāṇ. 5-3, 26) how? whence? why? RV. AV. viii, 1, 16 TS. &c
• (yathā́ kathā́ ca, in any way whatsoever ŚBr. iv)
• sometimes merely a particle of interrogation (e.g. kathā́ śṛṇoti.. índraḥ, does Indra hear? RV. iv, 23, 3
• kathā́-kathā́, whether-or? TS. ii, 6, 1, 7)

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William


[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA} kathā

[translation-san] {MSA} 'brel pa'i gtam = sāṃkathya

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} speech; converstion; communication; talk; slogan

[translation-eng] {C} sermon; story

[comments] Check translation of example {T} ex. from Ship 62a.5


  • [bod] zab mo rten 'byung gtam
  • [eng] talk on the profound dependent-arising{DASI 522.3}


  • [bod] gtam de paNiD ta rnams kyis snyan nas snyan du brgyud
  • [eng] paṇḍitas passed this communication from ear to ear
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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