khīṇa : [pp. of khīyati] exhausted; wasted.
Khīṇa [pp. of khīyati, Pass. to khayati] destroyed, exhausted, removed, wasted, gone; in cpds. ˚ -- often to be translated "without." It is mostly applied to the destruction of the passions (āsavā) & demerit (kamma). Khīṇā jāti "destroyed is the possibility of rebirth," in freq. occurring formula "kh. j. vusitaŋ brahmacariyaŋ kataŋ karaṇīyaŋ nâparaŋ itthattāya," denoting the attainment of Arahantship. (See arahant ii, formula A) Vin i. 35; D i.84, 177, 203; M ii.39; Sn p. 16; Pug 61 etc. See expln at DA i.225= SnA 138. -- khīṇaŋ mayhaŋ kammaŋ J iv.3, similarly khīṇaŋ purāṇaŋ navaŋ natthi sambhavaŋ Sn 235 (khīṇa=samucchinna KhA 194); pāpakamme khīṇe PvA 105. āsavakhīṇa one whose cravings are destroyed Sn 370, cp. 162.
-- āsava (adj.) whose mind is free from the four mental obsessions, Ep. of an Arahant Vin i.183; M i. 145; ii.43; iii.30; D iii.97, 133, 235; It 95; Sn 82, 471, 539, 644; Dh 89, 420; PvA 7 (=arahanto); cp. BSk kṣīṇāśrava Divy 542. -- The seven powers of a kh.˚ (khīṇāsava -- balāni) discussed at D iii.283; Ps i.35; ten powers at Ps ii.173, 176; cp. Vism 144 (where a kh. walks through the air). -- punabbhava one in whom the conditions of another existence have been destroyed (=khīṇāsava) Sn 514, 656; -- bīja one who is without the seed (of renewed existence) (=prec.) Sn 235 (=ucchinna -- bīja KhA 194); -- maccha without fish (of a lake) Dh 155; -- vyappatha without the way of (evil) speech (vyapp˚=vācāya patho; expl. SnA 204 as na pharusavāco) Sn 158; -- sota with the stream gone, i. e. without water, in macche appodake kh˚ Sn 777.
khīṇa: pp. of [khīyati滅盡]