khura : [nt.] 1. a razor; 2. hoof (of an animal).
Khura1 [Vedic khura] the hoof of an animal Vv 6410 (of a horse=turagānaŋ khuranipāta, the clattering of a horse's hoof VvA 279), cp. Sk. kṣura, a monkey's claw Sp. AvŚ i.236.
khura -- kāse M i.446, read (with Neumann) for khura -- kāye, "in the manner of dragging (kṛṣ) the hoofs."
Khura2 [Vedic kṣura, to kṣṇu, kṣṇoti to whet, kṣṇotra whet- stone; cp. Gr. xnau/w scrape, cu/w shave, Lat. novacula razor. The Pali Dhtp (486) gives as meanings "chedana & vilekhana"] a razor Vin ii.134; S iv.169 (tiṇha a sharp r.) DhA ii.257.
-- agga the hall of tonsure PvA 53; -- appa a kind of arrow D i.96; M i.429 (+vekaṇḍa); Vism 381. -- kosa razor -- sheath Vism 251, 255. -- cakka a wheel, sharp as a razor J iv.3; -- dhāra 1. carrying razors, said of the Vetaraṇī whose waters are like razors Sn 674 (+tiṇha<-> dhāra); J v.269; Vism 163. -- 2. the haft of a razor, or its case Sn 716 (˚ûpama); Vism 500; DhA ii.257; -- nāsa having a nose like a razor J iv.139; -- pariyanta a disk as sharp as a razor, a butcher -- knife D i.52 (=DA i.160; khura -- nemi khura -- sadisa -- pariyanta), cp. ˚cakka; -- māla N. of an ocean, in ˚samudda J iv.137; -- mālī (f.)= prec. ibid.; -- muṇḍa close -- shaven Vin i.344; VvA 207. Khuramuṇḍaŋ karoti to shave closely D i.98; S iv.344= A ii.241; -- bhaṇḍa the outfit of a barber, viz. khura, khura -- silā, khura -- sipāṭikā, namataka Vin i.249; ii.134, cp. Vin. Texts iii.138; -- silā a whetstone Vin ii.134; -- sipāṭikā a powder prepared with s. gum to prevent razors from rusting Vin ii.134.
khura: m. 剃刀{a [razor剃刀]}
khura m. a hoof, horse's hoof KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. ā [g. kroḍâdi] MBh. i Hcat.
• once ī, i, 7, 38)
• a particular part of the foot of a bedstead VarBṛS. lxxix
• a sort of perfume (dried shellfish shaped like a hoof) L.
• (for kṣurá) a razor L.
• (ī), f. g. bahv-ādi (not in Kāś. and g. śoṇâdi)