kicca 'function'. Regarding the 14 functions of consciousness, s. viññāṇa-kicca.
kicca : [nt.] duty; work; service; that which should be done.
Kicca (nt.) [grd. of karoti=Sk. kṛtya] 1. (adj.) that which ought to be done, that which is to be performed; nt. something to do DhA i.15. Defd as kātabban ti kiccaŋ, kiñcid eva karaṇīyan ti KhA 218; kattabaŋ karaṇīyaŋ DhA iii.452. -- 2. (nt.) (a) duty, obligation, service, attention; ceremony, performance. The sg. is used collectively as pl. -- adj. ( -- ˚) one who is under an obligation, etc., or to whom an obligation, etc., is due A ii.67; Dh 276, 293; J iii.26; DhA i.5. -- kattabbak˚ -- karaṇa "the performance of incumbent duties" PvA 30; idaŋ me kiccaŋ akāsi "he has done me this service" PvA 29. -- In special sense of the duties to the dead: ahaŋ tava pitu ˚ŋ karomi "I will do the last duty to your father" PvA 274. -- a˚ that which is not (his) duty A ii.67; Dh 292, 293. -- (b) (as philos. term) function; rasa (essence) is either kicca r˚ -- or sampatti r, function or property. Cpd. 13, 213, n. l.; Vism 162 (parivyatta˚ quite conspicuous f.), 264 (abbhañjana˚ f. of lucubrating), 338, 493 (indriyānaŋ kiccaŋ), 547 (tad -- ārammaṇa˚, bhavanga˚, cuti˚, etc.); kiccavasena by way of f. Abhdh. -- sangaha v.8, cp. Dhs. trsl. 132 (with ref. to DhsA 264); kiccato Vism 581. -- appa˚ having few or no duties Sn 144 (cp. KhA 241. -- ārāmika˚ duties of the Ārāma J i.38. -- udaka˚ water -- performance, ablution D ii.15. -- kata˚ one who has performed his duties or mission, i. e. an Arahant Sn 1105; Vv 531 (cp. VvA 231. -- bahu˚ having many obligations, being very busy A iii.116 sq. -- bhatta˚ meal DA i.45 sq.; PvA 76; freq. in formula kata˚ (see kata), cp. kat -- annakicca Dāvs i.59. -- mata˚ funeral rites PvA 274. -- sarīra˚ the duties of the body, i. e. funeral rites PvA 74). <-> Note. In compn with kud˚ kicca appears as kuk -- kucca (q. v.).
-- âkiccā pl. (kicca+kicca, see Trenckner, Notes J.P.T.S. 1908, 127; cp. ṭhānāṭhāna, bhavābhava maggāmagga, phalāphala, etc.) duties of all kinds, various duties: ativasā assu kiccākiccesu "they shall serve me in all duties" Dh 74 (DhA ii.78=khuddakamahantesu karaṇīyesu "in small and great duties"); ˚esu yuttapayutto māṇavo (cp. a maid "of all work") VvA 298; ˚esu ussukā endeavouring to do all duties Sn 298 (but expld at SnA 319 as "zeal in what is to be done and what is not to be done," taken as kicca+ akicca cp. akicca); -- âdhikaraṇa settlement of the agenda at formal meetings of a chapter Vin ii.89=iii.164; iii.168; v.101 sq.; 150 sq.; See Vin Texts iii.45; -- kara doing one's duty S i.91; Sn 676; -- karaṇīyāni pl.=kiccākicca, various duties A iv.87; -- kārin=kiccakara A iii.443.
kicca(grd. of [karoti作]): grd. 作