kiṃ : [rel. or inter. pron.] what? (m.) ko = who? (f.) kā = which woman? (nt.) kaṃ = what thing?
Kiŋ [nt. of rel. pron. ka] 1. as nt. subst. what? sotānaŋ kiŋ nivāraṇaŋ what is the obstruction? Sn 1032; kiŋ tava patthanāya what is it about your wish, i. e. what good is your wish? VvA 226; kim idaŋ this is what, that is why, therefore, PvA 11; often with su in dubitative question: kiŋ sū' dha vittaŋ purisassa seṭṭhaŋ what, then, is the best treasure of man in this world? Sn 181; or with nu: kiŋ nu kho what is it then (in series evañ nu kho, na nu kho, kathaŋ nu kho) Nd2 186. -- Gen.kissa of what? Pv i.91; ii.940 (=kīdisassa) and in kissa hetu on the ground of what i. e. why? Sn 1131; Pv ii.81 (=kiŋ nimittaŋ). -- Instr. kena by what or how is it that: kena ssu nivuto loko Sn 1032. -- Acc. kiŋ: kiŋ kāhasi what will you do? Sn 428; kiŋ āgamma kiŋ ārabbha on what grounds & for what reason? D i.13, 14, etc.; kiŋ nissita to what purpose Sn 1043. -- Loc., kismiŋ in what or what about: kismiŋ vivādo "what is the quarrel about?" D i.237; or kimhi, e. g. kimhi sikkhamāno in what instructed? D ii.241 (corresponds to ettha=in this). The ŋ of kiŋ in Sandhi is either elided or contracted or undergoes the usual Sandhi changes; ki ha=kiŋ ha KhA 78, kissa=kiŋ assa Sn 1032; kīdisa (q. v.)=kiŋ disa; kiñci (see below)=kiŋ cid; kiŋ va a little: see kittaka. -- 2. as interr. particle, introducing a question=Lat. nonne, Gr. a)/n: kiŋ idāni pi dinne te labheyyuŋ? "Will they receive that which is given now?" PvA 22. So as disjunctive particle in comb. with udāhu (whether -- or):kiŋ -- udāhu what (about this) . . . or is it (otherwise), is it so . . . or is it not so? (cp. po/teron -- h)/, Lat. utrum -- an): kim imasmiŋ attabhāve pitaraŋ pucchasi udāhu atīte? "do you enquire about your father in this existence, or in a past one?" PvA 38; kiŋ nakkhattaŋ kīḷissasi udāhu bhatiŋ karissasi? "Will you take a holiday or will you work?" VvA 63. -- Very often modified and intensified by other exhortative particles: kiŋ aññatra (with abl.) unless (by), except for Sn 206 (see aññatra)kin nu kho why, but why, why in the world? D ii.131; J ii.159; DhA ii.91. As kimo in kimo nu why then? J iii.373; v.479 (=kim eva); kimu Sdhp 137; kim pana=nonne: kim pana bhante addasa? "Have you not seen?" D ii.132; kim pana tvaŋ maññasi what then do you think=do you not think then, that? . . . J i.171; kim anga how much more or less, i. e. far more, or far less Miln 274 as kim anga pana why then? M iii.181; Miln 23; Vism 233; kin ti how then? D ii.74; kin ti te sutaŋ have you not heard? D i.104; kintikaro= kathankaro q. v.; kiñca (cp. kiñcâpi under kiñci)= num -- que, nonne; is it not that, rather J i.135 (expld in c. by garahatte ca anuggahatthe nipāto). -- kiñci in comb. with yaŋ or yad: whatever; in other combn positive: some, neg.: na kiñci nothing; yad atthi kiñci whatever there is of . . . Sn 231; n'atthi kiñci there is nothing: see under atthi and kiñcana; kiñci n'atthi loke there is nothing in this world . . . Sn 1122. <-> kiñcâpi whatever, however much: kiñcâpi te tattha yatā caranti "however much they endeavour in this" Sn 1080; J i.147; It 114; KhA 187, 190. Same as disjunctive conjunction with foll. pana: (=Lat. quamvis) kiñcâpi hi . . . pana although . . . yet DhA i.391; kiñcâpi with pot. . . . atha kho although -- yet; it may be that -- but S i.72. -- 3. In composition (˚ -- ) often implying doubt, uncertainty ("what is it, that is so & so?"), or expressing strangeness (: doubtful likeness), e. g. kinnara a kind of man (but not sure about it), a half -- man; kimpakka odd -- looking or doubtful (poisonous) fruit; kimpurisa a strange man (doubtful whether man or beast); cp. kiŋsuka.
-- akkhāyin preaching what? in conn. with kiŋ vādin saying what? i. e. holding what views? A i.62; -- atthaŋ for what purpose J i.279. -- atthiya to what purpose J iv.239; Miln 19; VvA 230; to any purpose, of any use S v.171; -- abhiñña having what name? J vi.126. -- kara doing whatever (his duty), a servant, in k˚ -- patissāvin an obedient servant D i.60 (cp. expln at DA i.168) A iii.37; iv.265 sq.; ThA 252; -- karaṇīya business, occupation A iii.113, 116, 258; v.24, 90, 338; -- kāraṇā (abl. of kāraṇa) by reason of what, i. e. why? PvA 25; -- kusalagavesin striving after that which is good M i.163=240; -- jacca of what caste? Sn p. 80; -- nāma of what name? Miln 15, 17; DhA iii.397 (both konāma and kiŋnāma). -- pakka strange or unknown (doubtful) fruit, in ˚rukkha a tree with odd fruit (i. e. poisonous fruit, cp. Rām. ii.66, 6; Kern, Toev. s. v. takes it to be Strychnos nux vomica) J i.368. -- purisa 1. a wild man of the woods J iv.254; vi.272, 497. -- 2. =kinnara (q. v.) A i.77; J v.42, 416. f. kimpurisī J v.215, 216. -- phala=˚pakka, in ˚rukkha a tree with unknown (poisonous) fruit J i.271. -- rukkha what kind of tree J v.203. -- vādin holding what view? A i.62; -- samācāra (a) of what conduct, in comb. with; -- sīla of what character Sn 324 (=SnA 331).