Dictionary Definition :
Kolaputti at A i.38 is composition form of kulaputta, and is to be combined with the foll. -- vaṇṇa -- pokkharatā, i. e. light colour as becoming a man of good family. Kern, Toev. s. v. quite unnecessarily interprets it as "heroncolour," comparing Sk. kolapuccha heron. A similar passage at Nd1 80=Nd2 505 reads kolaputtikena vā vaṇṇapokkharatāya vā, thus taking kolaputtikaŋ as nt, meaning a man of good virtue. The A passage may be corrupt and should then be read ˚puttikaŋ.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
kolaṭṭhi , kolavāpi , koleyyaka , koḷikā , kolika, kolita , kolapattana , kolāpa , kolañña , kolaṅkola , kolaṃkola