Dictionary Definition :
koṭṭeti : [kuṭṭ + e] pounds; smashes; beats.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Koṭṭeti [cp. Sk. kuṭ & kuṭṭa1. Expld one -- sidedly by Dhtp (91 & 556) as "chedane" which is found only in 3 and adhikuṭṭanā. The meaning "beat" is attributed by Dhtp (557) & Dhtm (783) to root kuṭ3 (see kūṭa3) by expla "akoṭane." Cp. also kūṭa4; ākoṭeti & paṭikoṭeti] -- 1. to beat, smash, crush, pound J i.478; vi.366 (spelt ṭṭh); DhA i.25 (suvaṇṇaŋ) 165. -- 2. to make even (the ground or floor) Vin ii.291 (in making floors); J vi.332. -- 3. to cut, kill SnA 178 (=hanti of Sn 121); DhA i.70 (pharasunā). -- pp. koṭṭita. -- Caus. koṭṭāpeti to cause to beat, to massage Vin ii.266; J iv.37 (ṭṭ the only v. l. B.; T. has ṭṭh).
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
koṭṭetvā , kottha , kottha (kotthi)-vāta , kotthabhadda , kotthāgāma , koṭṭesi , koṭṭenta , kottapattana , kottanāga-pabbata , koṭṭana