1. Kumuda.-A Niraya - strictly speaking, a period of suffering. It is equal to twelve Padumas.
The Kokālika monk was born in Kumuda-niraya. S.i.152f; see also SN., p.126; SNA.ii.476.
2. Kumuda.-One of the three palaces of Sobhita Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.vii.17.
3. Kumuda.-A city. There an enemy of Piyadassī Buddha, Sona by name, made an unsuccessful attempt to kill him by means of the elephant Donamukha. Bu.xiv.6; BuA.174.
kumuda : [nt.] white water lily.
Kumuda (nt.) 1. the white lotus Dh 285; Vv 354 (=VvA 161); J v.37 (seta˚); Vism 174; DA i.139. -- 2. a high numeral, in vīsati kumudā nirayā A v.173=Sn p. 126.
-- naḷa a lotus -- stalk J i.223; -- patta ( -- vaṇṇa) (having the colour of) white lotus petals J i.58 (Ep. of sindhavā, steeds); -- bhaṇḍikā a kind of corn Miln 292;-- vaṇṇa (adj.) of the colour of white lotus (sindhavā) PvA 74, -- vana a mass of white lotuses J v.37.
kumuda: n. 白蓮