imputational [nature]; imputation; artificial; acquired; imputational factor; thoroughly [mentally] constructed; imagined; imaginary; imputed; thoroughly imputed; imputational
represent what is not really there
mtshan nyid kun brtags gzhan dbang yongs grub gsum po gang rung gang zhig rnam dag gi dmigs pa mthar thug pa min zhing don byed mi nus pa/
Def.: that which is (1) any of the three: imputational nature, other-powered nature, or thoroughly established nature and (2) not a final object of observation of purification and not able to perform a function
dbye ba 1 mtshan nyid yongs su chad pa'i kun brtags/ 2 rnam grangs pa'i kun brtags/
Div.: (1) imputational natures of which the character is thoroughly nil; (2) enumerated imputational natures