Dictionary Definition :
kūpa : [m.] a well; a cavity.
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Kūpa (m.) [Vedic kūpa, orig. curvature viz. (a) interior= cavity, cp. Lat. cupa, Gr. ku/pellon cup; also Gr. ku/mbh, Sk. kumbha; -- (b) exterior=heap, cp. Ags. hēap, Ohg. heap, Sk. kūpa mast]. 1. a pit, a cavity: akkhi˚ the socket of the eye M i.80, 245; DhsA 306; gūtha˚ a cesspool D ii.324; Sn 279; Pv ii.316; Pug 36; miḷha˚ a pit for evacuations Pgdp 23, 24; loma˚ the root of the hair, a pore of the skin DA i.57; Vism 262, 360; also in na loma -- kūpamattaŋ pi not even a hairroot J i.31; iii.55; vacca˚=gūtha˚ Vin ii.141, 222. As a tank or a well: J vi.213; VvA 305. -- 2. the mast of a boat J iii.126; Miln 363, 378. See next.
-- khaṇa one who digs a pit J vi.213. -- tala the floor of a pit Vism 362.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,