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kusala : [nt.] good action; merit; virtue. (adj.), clever.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Kusala (adj.) [cp. Sk. kuśala] 1. (adj.) clever, skilful, expert; good, right, meritorious M i.226; Dh 44; J i.222. Esp. appl. in moral sense (=puñña), whereas akusala is practically equivalent to pāpa. ekam pi ce pāṇaŋ aduṭṭhacitto mettāyati kusalo tena hoti It 21; sappañño paṇḍito kusalo naro Sn 591, cp. 523; Pv i.33 (=nipuṇa). With kamma=a meritorious action, in kammaŋ katvā kusalaŋ D iii.157; Vv iii.27; Pv i.1011 see cpds. -- ācāra -- k˚ good in conduct Dh 376; parappavāda˚ skilled in disputation Dpvs iv.19; magga˚ (and opp. amagga˚) one who is an expert as regards the Path (lit. & fig.) S iii.108; samāpatti˚, etc. A v.156 sq.; sālittaka -- payoge k˚ skilled in the art of throwing potsherds PvA 282. -- In derivation k. is expld by Dhpāla & Bdhgh by kucchita and salana, viz. kucchita -- salanādi atthena kusalaŋ VvA 169; kucchite pāpadhamme salayanti calayanti kappenti viddhaŋsenti ti kusalā DhsA 39; where four alternative derivations are given (cp. Mrs. Rh. D., Dhs. trsl. p. lxxxii). -- 2. (nt.) a good thing, good deeds, virtue, merit, good consciousness (citta omitted; cp. DhsA 162, 200, etc.): yassa pāpaŋ kataŋ kammaŋ kusalena pithīyati, so imaŋ lokaŋ pabhāseti "he makes this world shine, who covers an evil deed with a good one" M ii.104=Dh 173=Th 1, 872; sukhañ ca k. pucchi (fitness) Sn 981; Vv 301 (=ārogyaŋ); D i.24; J vi.367; Pv i.13 (=puñña); PvA 75; Miln 25. -- In special sense as ten kusalāni equivalent to the dasasīlaŋ (cp. sīla) M i.47; A v.241, 274. All good qualities (dhammā) which constitute right and meritorious conduct are comprised in the phrase -- kusala -- dhammā Sn 1039, 1078, expld. in extenso Nd2 s. v. See also cpd. ˚dhamma. -- Kusalaŋ karoti to do what is good and righteous, i. e. kāyena, vācāya, manasā It 78; cp. Dh 53; sabba -- pāpassa akaraṇaŋ kusalassa upasampadā sacittapariyodapanaŋ etaŋ Buddhānusāsanaŋ D ii.49=Dh 183; cp. Nett 43, 81, 171, 186. Kusalaŋ bhāveti to pursue righteousness (together with akusalaŋ pajahati to give up wrong habits) A i.58; iv.109 sq.; It 9. -- akusala adj.: improper, wrong, bad; nt.: demerit, evil deed D i.37, 163; bālo+akusalo Sn 879, 887;=pāpa PvA 60, cp. pāpapasuto akatakusalo ib. 6. kusalaŋ & akusalaŋ are discussed in detail (with ref. to rūpâvacara˚ fivefold, to arūpâvacara˚ & lokuttara˚ fourfold, to kāmâvacara˚ eight & twelvefold) at Vism 452 -- 454. -- kusalâkusala good and bad M i.489; S v.91; Miln 25; Nett 161, 192; Dhs 1124 sq. -- sukusala (dhammānaŋ) highly skilled D i.180 (cp. M. ii.31).
   -- anuesin striving after righteousness Sn 965; cp. kinkusalānuesin D ii.151 and kinkusalagavesin M i.163 sq.; -- abhisanda overflow of merit (+puñña˚) A ii.54 sq.; iii.51; 337; -- kamma meritorious action, right conduct A i.104; 292 sq.; Ps i.85; ii.72 sq.; PvA 9, 26; -- cittā (pl.) good thoughts Vbh 169 -- 173, 184, 285 sq., 294 sq.; -- cetanā right volition Vbh 135; -- dhammā (pl.) (all) points of righteousness, good qualities of character S ii.206; M i.98; A iv.11 sq.; v.90 sq.; 123 sq.; Pug 68, 71; Vbh 105; Ps i.101, 132; ii.15, 230; VvA 74, 127; -- pakkha "the side of virtue," all that belongs to good character M iii.77 (and a˚) with adj. ˚pakkhika S v.91; -- macchariya Dhs 1122 is to be corrected to kula˚ instead of kusala˚ (meanness as regards family) cp. Nd2 on veviccha; -- mūla the basis or root of goodness or merit; there are three: alobha, adosa, amoha M i.47, 489=A i.203=Nett 183; D iii.214; Dhs 32, 313, 981; Vbh 169 sq., 210; Nett 126. Cp. ˚paccaya Vbh 169; ˚ropanā Nett 50; -- vitakka good reasoning, of which there are three: nekkhamma˚, avyāpāda˚, avihiŋsā˚ D iii.215; It 82; Nett 126; -- vipāka being a fruit of good kamma Dhs 454; Vism 454 (twofold, viz. ahetuka & sahetuka). -- vedanā good, pure feeling Vbh 3 sq.; cp. ˚saññā and ˚sankhārā Vbh 6 sq.; Nett 126 (three ˚saññā, same as under ˚vitakkā); -- sīla good, proper conduct of life M ii.25 sq.; adj. ˚sīlin D i.115 (=DA i.286).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Kuśala  善業  Sanskrit word. It means good Karma.

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