Kutakannatissa (Kutikannatissa)
Second son of Mahācūli and king of Ceylon (16-38 A.C.). He had entered the Order through fear of the infamous Anulā, but later he led an army against her and slew her. He founded the Pelagāma-vihāra, built the Vannaka canal, and laid out the Padumassara park. He founded, for his mother, a nunnery called the Dantageha. He had also constructed a wall, seven cubits high, round Anurādhapura. Bhātikābhaya was his son and successor (Mhv.xxxiv.28ff). The Dīpavamsa (Dpv.xviii.37; but see xx.31, where he is called Tissa and his son Nāga) appears to call him Kutikanna-Abhaya, and speaks of him as a very devoted supporter of the nuns.
Kutakanna had a horse of the ājānīya race called Gulavanna (SA.i.27; MA.ii.654).
Two theras are mentioned in the Vibhanga Commentary (VibhA.452) as having been held in special esteem by the king - Cūlasudhamma Thera of Girigāmakanna and Tipitaka-Cūlanāga Thera.