1. Maddava. King of Benares. The Bodhisatta was his councillor Senaka. See the Dasannaka Jātaka. J.iii.337.
2. Maddava. King of Sāgala in the Madda country. His daughter was given in marriage to Anitthigandha of Benares, but she died on the way to her husband's house. SNA.i.69.
Maddava (adj. nt.) [fr. mṛdu, cp. Epic Sk. mārdava] 1. mild, gentle, soft, suave Dhs 1340; Vbh 359; Miln 229 (cittaŋ mudukaŋ m. siniddhaŋ), 313 (mudu˚), 361 (among the 30 best virtues, with siniddha & mudu). <-> 2. (fr. madda) as Np. name of a king, reigning in Sāgala, the capital of Madda. -- 3. withered Dh 377(=milāta DhA iv.112). -- nt. maddavaŋ mildness, softness, gentleness Sn 250 (ajjava+), 292 (id.); J iii.274 (as one of the 10 rāja -- dhammā); v.347 (=mettacittaŋ); DhsA 151. See alsosūkara˚.
maddava: a.n. 1.柔和 2.凋謝