Dictionary Definition :
Mahant (adj.) [Vedic mahant, which by Grassmann is taken as ppr. to mah, but in all probability the n is an original suffix. -- cp. Av. mazant, Sk. compar. mahīyān; Gr. me/gas (compar. mei/zwn), Lat. magnus, Goth. mikils=Ohg. mihhil=E. much] great, extensive, big; important, venerable. -- nom. mahā Sn 1008; Mhvs 22, 27. Shortened to maha in cpd. pitāmaha (following a -- decl.) (paternal) grandfather PvA 41; & mātāmaha (maternal) grandfather (q. v.). -- instr. mahatā Sn 1027. -- pl. nom. mahantā Sn 578 (opp. daharā). -- loc. mahati Miln 254. -- f. mahī -- 1. one of the 5 great rivers (Np.). -- 2. the earth. See separately. -- nt. mahantaŋ used as adv., meaning "very much, greatly" J v.170; DhA iv.232. Also in cpd. mahantabhāva greatness, loftiness, sublimity DhsA 44. -- Compar. mahantatara DhA ii.63, and with dimin. suffix ˚ka J iii.237. -- The regular paraphrase of mahā in the Niddesa is "agga, seṭṭha, visiṭṭha, pāmokkha, uttama, pavara," see Nd2 502.
Note on mahā & cpds. -- A. In certain cpds. the combn with mahā (mah˚) has become so established & customary (often through politeness in using mahā˚ for the simple term), that the cpd. is felt as an inseparable unity and a sort of "antique" word, in which the 2nd part either does not occur any more by itself or only very rarely, as mah' aṇṇava, which is more freq. than aṇṇava; mah' âbhisakka, where abhisakka does not occur by itself; cp. mahânubhāva, mahiddhika,mahaggha; or is obscured in its derivation through constant use with mahā, like mahesī [mah+esī, or īsī], mahesakkha [mah+esakkha]; mahallaka[mah+*ariyaka]; mahāmatta. Cp. E. great -- coat, Gr. a)rx˚ in a)rx -- iatro/s=Ger. arzt. Only a limited selection of cpd. -- words is given, consisting of more frequent or idiomatic terms. Practically any word may be enlarged & emphasized in meaning by prefixing mahā. Sometimes a mahā˚ lends to special events a standard (historical) significance, so changing the common word into a noun proper, e. g. Mah -- âbhinikkhammana, Mahāpavāraṇa. -- B. Mahā occurs in cpds. in (a) an elided form mah before a & i; (b) shortened to maha˚ before g, d, p, b with doubling of these consonants; (c) in the regular form mahā˚: usually before consonants, sometimes before vowels. This form is contracted with foll. i to e and foll. u to o. In the foll. list of cpds. we have arranged the material according to these bases.
mah˚: -- aggha very costly, precious Pug 34; Mhvs 27, 35; PvA 77, 87; Sdhp 18. -- agghatā costliness, great value Pug 34, Sdhp 26. -- aṇṇava the (great) ocean Mhvs 19, 17. -- atthiya (for ˚atthika) of great importance or use, very useful, profitable J iii.368. -- andhakāra deep darkness Vism 417. -- assāsinfully refreshed, very comfortable S i.81.
maha˚: -- ggata "become great," enlarged, extensive, fig. lofty, very great M i.263; ii.122; A ii.63, 184; iii.18; VvA 155; J v.113; Dhs 1020 (trsln: "having a wider scope") Vbh 16, 24, 62, 74, 126, 270, 326; Tikp. 45; Vism 410, 430 sq. (˚ārammaṇa); VbhA 154 (id.), 159 (˚citta); DhsA 44. See on term Cpd. 4, 12, 55, 1014; [cp. BSk. mahadgata Divy 227]. -- gghasa eating much, greedy, gluttonous A iv.92; P iii.111 (=bahubhojana PvA 175); Miln 288; Dh 325 (cp. DhA iv.16). -- ddhana having great riches (often combd with mahābhoga) Dh 123; J iv.15, 22. -- pphala much fruit; adj. bearing much fruit, rich in result Aiv.60, 237 sq.; Sn 191, 486; Dh 312, 356 sq. -- bbala (a) a strong force, a great army Mhvs 10, 68 (v. l., T. has mahā -- bala); (b) of great strength, mighty, powerful J iii.114; Mhvs 23, 92; 25, 9. -- bbhaya great fear, terror S i.37; Sn 753, 1032, 1092, ep. Nd2 501.
mahå˚: -- anas kitchen Mhvs 5, 27 (spurious stanza). -- anasa kitchen J ii.361; iii.314; v.368; vi.349; DhA iii.309; ThA 5. -- anila a gale Mhvs 3, 42. -- ānisaŋsa deserving great praise (see s. v.), [cp. BSk. mahānuśaŋsa MVastu iii.221]. -- ānubhāva majesty, adj. wonderful, splendid J i.194; J vi.331; Pviii.31; PvA 117, 136, 145, 272. -- aparādhika very guilty J i.114. -- abhinikkhamaṇa the great renunciation DhA i.85. -- abhisakka [abhi+śak] very powerful Th 1, 1111. -- amacca chief minister Mhvs 19, 12. -- araha costly Mhvs 3, 21; 5, 75; 27, 39; PvA 77, 141, 160.
mahā˚: -- alasa great sloth DhA iii.410. -- avīci the great Purgatory Avīci, freq. -- isi in poetry for mahesi at J v.321. -- upaṭṭhāna great state room (of a king) SnA 84. -- upāsikā a great female follower (of the Buddha) VvA 5. -- karuṇā great compassion DhA i.106, 367. -- kāya a great body Miln 16. -- gaṇa a great crowd or community DhA i.154. -- gaṇḍa a large tumour VbhA 104. -- gedha great greed Sn 819; Nd1 151. -- cāga great liberality, adj. munificent Mhvs 27, 47. As ˚paricāga at SnA 295 (=mahādāna). -- jana a great crowd, collectively for "the people," a multitude PvA 6, 19, 78; Mhvs 3, 13.-- taṇha (adj.) very thirsty J ii.441. -- tala "great surface," the large flat roof on the top of a palace (=upari -- pāsāda -- tala) J vi.40. -- dāna (see under dāna) the great gift (to the bhikkhus) a special great offering of food & presents given by laymen to the Buddha & his followers as a meritorious deed, usually lasting for a week or more Mhvs 27, 46; PvA 111, 112. -- dhana (having) great wealth PvA 3, 78. -- naraka (a) great Hell, see naraka. -- nāga a great elephant Dh 312; DhA iv.4. -- nāma N. of a plant Vin i.185; ii.267. -- niddā deep sleep PvA 47. -- nibbāna the great N. DhA iv.110. -- niraya (a) great hell SnA 309, 480; PvA 52. See Niraya & cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie 199, 200. -- nīla sapphire VvA 111. -- pañña very wise D iii.158; A iii.244; Dh 352; DhAiv.71. -- patha high road D i.102; Sn 139; Dh 58; Vism 235; DhA i.445. -- paduma a great lotus J v.39; also a vast number & hence a name of a purgatory, cp. Divy 67; Kirfel, Kosmographie 205. -- pitā grandfather PvA 107. -- purisa a great man, a hero, a man born to greatness, a man destined by fate to be a Ruler or a Saviour of the World. A being thus favoured by fate possesses (32) marks (lakkhaṇāni) by which people recognise his vocation or prophesy his greatness. A detailed list of these 32 marks (which probably date back to mythological origin & were originally attributed to Devas) is found at D ii.17, 19, passim. -- D iii.287; Sn 1040 sq.; Dh 352; Miln 10; SnA 184, 187 sq., 223, 258, 357, 384 sq.; ˚lakkhaṇāni: D i.88, 105, 116; Sn 549, 1000 sq.; Vism 234; VvA 315; DhA ii.41. -- bhūta usually in pl. ˚bhūta(ni) (cattāro & cattā) the 4 great elements (see bhūta), being paṭhavī, āpo, tejo, vāyo, D i.76; Nd1 266; Vbh 13, 70 sq.; Vism 366 sq.; Tikp 39, 56 sq., 74 sq., 248 sq.; VbhA 42, 169, 253. -- See Cpd. 154, 268 sq., & cp. dhātu 1. -- bhoga great wealth, adj. wealthy PvA 3, 78. -- maccha a great fish, seamonster J i.483. -- mati very wise, clever Mhvs 14, 22; 19, 84 (f. ˚ī); 33, 100 (pl. ˚ī). -- matta [cp. Sk. mahāmātra] a king's chief minister, alias Prime Minister, "who was the highest Officer -- of -- State and real Head of the Executive" (Banerjea, Public Administration in Ancient India, 1916). His position is of such importance, that he even ranges as a rājā or king: Vin iii.47 (rājā . . . akkhadassā mahāmattā ye vā pana chejjabhejjaŋ anusāsanti ete rājāno nāma). -- Note. An acc. sg. mahā -- mattānaŋ we find at A i.154 (formed after the prec. rājānaŋ). -- Vin i.74 (where two ranks are given: senā -- nāyakā m. -- mattā the m. of defence, and vohārikā m. -- m. those of law); D i.7; iii.88; iii.64 (here with Ep. khattiya); Ai.154, 252, 279; iii.128; Vin iv.224; Vism 121; VbhA 312 (in simile of two m.), 340; PvA 169. Cp. Fick. Sociale Gliederung 92, 99, 101. -- muni great seer Sn 31. -- megha a big cloud, thunder cloud M ii.117; Sn 30; Vism 417. -- yañña the great sacrifice D i.138 sq., 141 (cp. A ii.207≈). -- yasa great fame Vv 216; Mhys 5, 22. -- ranga [cp. Sk. m. -- rajana], safflower, used for dyeing Vin i.185 (sandals); ii 267 (cloaks). -- rājā great king, king, very freq.: see rājā. -- rukkha a great tree Vism 413 (literally); Miln 254 (id.), otherwise the plant euphorbia tortilis (cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 129). -- lātā ( -- pasādhana) a lady's parure called "great creeper" DhA i.392; VvA 165 ( -- pilandhana); same SnA 520. -- vātapāna main window DhA iv.203. -- vīṇā a great lute Vism 354; VbhA 58. -- vīra (great) hero Sn 543, 562. -- satta "the great being" or a Bodhisatta VvA 137 (v. l. SS. bodhisatta). [Cp. BSk. mahāsattva, e. g. Jtm 32]. -- samudda the sea, the occean Mhvs 19, 18; Vism 403; SnA 30, 371; PvA 47. -- sara a great lake; usually as satta -- mahāsarā the 7 great lakes of the Himavant (see sara), enumd e. g. at Vism 416. -- sāra (of) great sap, i. e. great wealth, adj. very rich J i.463 (˚kula, perhaps to be read mahāsāla -- kula). -- sāla (adj.) having great halls, Ep. of rich people (especially brāhmaṇas) D i.136, 235; iii.16, 20; J ii.272 (˚kula); iv.237 (id.), 325 (id.); v.227 (id.); Pug 56; VbhA 519; DhA iii.193. -- sāvaka [cp. BSk. mahāśrāvaka Divy 489] a great disciple Vism 98 (asīti ˚ā); DhA ii.93. -- senagutta title of a high official (Chancellor of the Exchequer?) J v.115; vi.2. -- hatthi a large elephant M i.184 (˚pada elephant's foot, as the largest of all animal feet), referred to as simile (˚opama) at Vism 243, 347, 348.
mahi˚ [mah' i˚]: -- iccha full of desire, lustful, greedy A iv.229; Th 1, 898; It 91; J i.8; ii.441. -- icchatā arrogance, ostentatiousness A iv.280; VbhA 472. -- iddhika [mahā+iddhi+ka] of great power, always combd with mah -- ânubhāva to denote great influence, high position & majesty Vin i.31; ii.193; iii.101; D i.78, 180 (devatā), 213; S i.145 sq.; ii.155, 274 sq., 284 sq.; iv.323; v.265, 271 sq., 288 sq.; A v.129; J vi.483 (said of the Ocean); PvA 6, 136, 145. -- inda (ghosa) lit. the roar of the Great Indra, Indra here to be taken in his function as sky (rain) god, thus: the thunder of the rain -- god Th 1, 1108. [Cp. BSk. māhendra in ˚bhavana "the abode of the Great Indra," and vaṛṣa "the rain of the Gr. I." (here as rain -- god), both at AvŚ i.210]. -- issāsa [Sk. maheṣvāsa] great in the art of the bow, a great archer S i.185; DhAi.358.
mahe˚ [mahā+i]: -- esakkha [mahā+īsa+khyaŋ; fr. īś] possessing great power or authority A ii.204; iii.244; Nd2 5032; Vism 419; Sdhp 511. The BSk. form is maheṣākhya evidently differing in its etymology. The P. etym. rests on the same grounds as esitatta in mahesi DhA iv.232. -- esi [mahā+isi; Sk. maharṣi] a great Sage A ii.26; Sn 208, 481, 646, 915, 1057, 1061; Th 1, 1132; 2, 149; Dh 422 (expld at DhA iv.232 as "mahantaŋ sīla -- kkhandh' ādīnaŋ esitattā m." cp. the similar expln at Nd2 503); Nd1 343; Vism 505; VbhA 110; PvA 1. -- esiyā=mahesī J vi.483. -- esī [in P. to be taken as mah+iś, as f. to īsa, but in Sk. (Vedic) as f. of mahiṣa, buffalo] chief queen, king's first wife, king's consort; also the wife of a great personage J ii.410; v.45; vi.425; Pug 56; Mhvs 2, 22 (pl. mahesiyo); VvA 184 (sixteen). Usually as agga -- mahesī, e. g. J i.262; iii.187, 393; v.88. -- esitta state of chief consort, queenship J v.443; Pv ii.1310; ThA 37; VvA 102. -- eseyya=˚esitta J v.91.
-- maho [mahā+u, or+o]: -- ogha the great flood (see ogha) Sn 4, 945; Dh 47, 287; DhA iii.433. -- odadhi the (great) ocean, the sea Sn 720, 1134; Miln 224; Mhvs 18, 8. -- odara big belly J vi.358 (addressing a king's minister). -- odika full of water, having much water; deep, full (of a river) Sn 319; J ii.159; Miln 346. -- oraga [m+uraga] a great snake J v.165.
Note on mahā & cpds. -- A. In certain cpds. the combn with mahā (mah˚) has become so established & customary (often through politeness in using mahā˚ for the simple term), that the cpd. is felt as an inseparable unity and a sort of "antique" word, in which the 2nd part either does not occur any more by itself or only very rarely, as mah' aṇṇava, which is more freq. than aṇṇava; mah' âbhisakka, where abhisakka does not occur by itself; cp. mahânubhāva, mahiddhika,mahaggha; or is obscured in its derivation through constant use with mahā, like mahesī [mah+esī, or īsī], mahesakkha [mah+esakkha]; mahallaka[mah+*ariyaka]; mahāmatta. Cp. E. great -- coat, Gr. a)rx˚ in a)rx -- iatro/s=Ger. arzt. Only a limited selection of cpd. -- words is given, consisting of more frequent or idiomatic terms. Practically any word may be enlarged & emphasized in meaning by prefixing mahā. Sometimes a mahā˚ lends to special events a standard (historical) significance, so changing the common word into a noun proper, e. g. Mah -- âbhinikkhammana, Mahāpavāraṇa. -- B. Mahā occurs in cpds. in (a) an elided form mah before a & i; (b) shortened to maha˚ before g, d, p, b with doubling of these consonants; (c) in the regular form mahā˚: usually before consonants, sometimes before vowels. This form is contracted with foll. i to e and foll. u to o. In the foll. list of cpds. we have arranged the material according to these bases.
mah˚: -- aggha very costly, precious Pug 34; Mhvs 27, 35; PvA 77, 87; Sdhp 18. -- agghatā costliness, great value Pug 34, Sdhp 26. -- aṇṇava the (great) ocean Mhvs 19, 17. -- atthiya (for ˚atthika) of great importance or use, very useful, profitable J iii.368. -- andhakāra deep darkness Vism 417. -- assāsinfully refreshed, very comfortable S i.81.
maha˚: -- ggata "become great," enlarged, extensive, fig. lofty, very great M i.263; ii.122; A ii.63, 184; iii.18; VvA 155; J v.113; Dhs 1020 (trsln: "having a wider scope") Vbh 16, 24, 62, 74, 126, 270, 326; Tikp. 45; Vism 410, 430 sq. (˚ārammaṇa); VbhA 154 (id.), 159 (˚citta); DhsA 44. See on term Cpd. 4, 12, 55, 1014; [cp. BSk. mahadgata Divy 227]. -- gghasa eating much, greedy, gluttonous A iv.92; P iii.111 (=bahubhojana PvA 175); Miln 288; Dh 325 (cp. DhA iv.16). -- ddhana having great riches (often combd with mahābhoga) Dh 123; J iv.15, 22. -- pphala much fruit; adj. bearing much fruit, rich in result Aiv.60, 237 sq.; Sn 191, 486; Dh 312, 356 sq. -- bbala (a) a strong force, a great army Mhvs 10, 68 (v. l., T. has mahā -- bala); (b) of great strength, mighty, powerful J iii.114; Mhvs 23, 92; 25, 9. -- bbhaya great fear, terror S i.37; Sn 753, 1032, 1092, ep. Nd2 501.
mahå˚: -- anas kitchen Mhvs 5, 27 (spurious stanza). -- anasa kitchen J ii.361; iii.314; v.368; vi.349; DhA iii.309; ThA 5. -- anila a gale Mhvs 3, 42. -- ānisaŋsa deserving great praise (see s. v.), [cp. BSk. mahānuśaŋsa MVastu iii.221]. -- ānubhāva majesty, adj. wonderful, splendid J i.194; J vi.331; Pviii.31; PvA 117, 136, 145, 272. -- aparādhika very guilty J i.114. -- abhinikkhamaṇa the great renunciation DhA i.85. -- abhisakka [abhi+śak] very powerful Th 1, 1111. -- amacca chief minister Mhvs 19, 12. -- araha costly Mhvs 3, 21; 5, 75; 27, 39; PvA 77, 141, 160.
mahā˚: -- alasa great sloth DhA iii.410. -- avīci the great Purgatory Avīci, freq. -- isi in poetry for mahesi at J v.321. -- upaṭṭhāna great state room (of a king) SnA 84. -- upāsikā a great female follower (of the Buddha) VvA 5. -- karuṇā great compassion DhA i.106, 367. -- kāya a great body Miln 16. -- gaṇa a great crowd or community DhA i.154. -- gaṇḍa a large tumour VbhA 104. -- gedha great greed Sn 819; Nd1 151. -- cāga great liberality, adj. munificent Mhvs 27, 47. As ˚paricāga at SnA 295 (=mahādāna). -- jana a great crowd, collectively for "the people," a multitude PvA 6, 19, 78; Mhvs 3, 13.-- taṇha (adj.) very thirsty J ii.441. -- tala "great surface," the large flat roof on the top of a palace (=upari -- pāsāda -- tala) J vi.40. -- dāna (see under dāna) the great gift (to the bhikkhus) a special great offering of food & presents given by laymen to the Buddha & his followers as a meritorious deed, usually lasting for a week or more Mhvs 27, 46; PvA 111, 112. -- dhana (having) great wealth PvA 3, 78. -- naraka (a) great Hell, see naraka. -- nāga a great elephant Dh 312; DhA iv.4. -- nāma N. of a plant Vin i.185; ii.267. -- niddā deep sleep PvA 47. -- nibbāna the great N. DhA iv.110. -- niraya (a) great hell SnA 309, 480; PvA 52. See Niraya & cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie 199, 200. -- nīla sapphire VvA 111. -- pañña very wise D iii.158; A iii.244; Dh 352; DhAiv.71. -- patha high road D i.102; Sn 139; Dh 58; Vism 235; DhA i.445. -- paduma a great lotus J v.39; also a vast number & hence a name of a purgatory, cp. Divy 67; Kirfel, Kosmographie 205. -- pitā grandfather PvA 107. -- purisa a great man, a hero, a man born to greatness, a man destined by fate to be a Ruler or a Saviour of the World. A being thus favoured by fate possesses (32) marks (lakkhaṇāni) by which people recognise his vocation or prophesy his greatness. A detailed list of these 32 marks (which probably date back to mythological origin & were originally attributed to Devas) is found at D ii.17, 19, passim. -- D iii.287; Sn 1040 sq.; Dh 352; Miln 10; SnA 184, 187 sq., 223, 258, 357, 384 sq.; ˚lakkhaṇāni: D i.88, 105, 116; Sn 549, 1000 sq.; Vism 234; VvA 315; DhA ii.41. -- bhūta usually in pl. ˚bhūta(ni) (cattāro & cattā) the 4 great elements (see bhūta), being paṭhavī, āpo, tejo, vāyo, D i.76; Nd1 266; Vbh 13, 70 sq.; Vism 366 sq.; Tikp 39, 56 sq., 74 sq., 248 sq.; VbhA 42, 169, 253. -- See Cpd. 154, 268 sq., & cp. dhātu 1. -- bhoga great wealth, adj. wealthy PvA 3, 78. -- maccha a great fish, seamonster J i.483. -- mati very wise, clever Mhvs 14, 22; 19, 84 (f. ˚ī); 33, 100 (pl. ˚ī). -- matta [cp. Sk. mahāmātra] a king's chief minister, alias Prime Minister, "who was the highest Officer -- of -- State and real Head of the Executive" (Banerjea, Public Administration in Ancient India, 1916). His position is of such importance, that he even ranges as a rājā or king: Vin iii.47 (rājā . . . akkhadassā mahāmattā ye vā pana chejjabhejjaŋ anusāsanti ete rājāno nāma). -- Note. An acc. sg. mahā -- mattānaŋ we find at A i.154 (formed after the prec. rājānaŋ). -- Vin i.74 (where two ranks are given: senā -- nāyakā m. -- mattā the m. of defence, and vohārikā m. -- m. those of law); D i.7; iii.88; iii.64 (here with Ep. khattiya); Ai.154, 252, 279; iii.128; Vin iv.224; Vism 121; VbhA 312 (in simile of two m.), 340; PvA 169. Cp. Fick. Sociale Gliederung 92, 99, 101. -- muni great seer Sn 31. -- megha a big cloud, thunder cloud M ii.117; Sn 30; Vism 417. -- yañña the great sacrifice D i.138 sq., 141 (cp. A ii.207≈). -- yasa great fame Vv 216; Mhys 5, 22. -- ranga [cp. Sk. m. -- rajana], safflower, used for dyeing Vin i.185 (sandals); ii 267 (cloaks). -- rājā great king, king, very freq.: see rājā. -- rukkha a great tree Vism 413 (literally); Miln 254 (id.), otherwise the plant euphorbia tortilis (cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 129). -- lātā ( -- pasādhana) a lady's parure called "great creeper" DhA i.392; VvA 165 ( -- pilandhana); same SnA 520. -- vātapāna main window DhA iv.203. -- vīṇā a great lute Vism 354; VbhA 58. -- vīra (great) hero Sn 543, 562. -- satta "the great being" or a Bodhisatta VvA 137 (v. l. SS. bodhisatta). [Cp. BSk. mahāsattva, e. g. Jtm 32]. -- samudda the sea, the occean Mhvs 19, 18; Vism 403; SnA 30, 371; PvA 47. -- sara a great lake; usually as satta -- mahāsarā the 7 great lakes of the Himavant (see sara), enumd e. g. at Vism 416. -- sāra (of) great sap, i. e. great wealth, adj. very rich J i.463 (˚kula, perhaps to be read mahāsāla -- kula). -- sāla (adj.) having great halls, Ep. of rich people (especially brāhmaṇas) D i.136, 235; iii.16, 20; J ii.272 (˚kula); iv.237 (id.), 325 (id.); v.227 (id.); Pug 56; VbhA 519; DhA iii.193. -- sāvaka [cp. BSk. mahāśrāvaka Divy 489] a great disciple Vism 98 (asīti ˚ā); DhA ii.93. -- senagutta title of a high official (Chancellor of the Exchequer?) J v.115; vi.2. -- hatthi a large elephant M i.184 (˚pada elephant's foot, as the largest of all animal feet), referred to as simile (˚opama) at Vism 243, 347, 348.
mahi˚ [mah' i˚]: -- iccha full of desire, lustful, greedy A iv.229; Th 1, 898; It 91; J i.8; ii.441. -- icchatā arrogance, ostentatiousness A iv.280; VbhA 472. -- iddhika [mahā+iddhi+ka] of great power, always combd with mah -- ânubhāva to denote great influence, high position & majesty Vin i.31; ii.193; iii.101; D i.78, 180 (devatā), 213; S i.145 sq.; ii.155, 274 sq., 284 sq.; iv.323; v.265, 271 sq., 288 sq.; A v.129; J vi.483 (said of the Ocean); PvA 6, 136, 145. -- inda (ghosa) lit. the roar of the Great Indra, Indra here to be taken in his function as sky (rain) god, thus: the thunder of the rain -- god Th 1, 1108. [Cp. BSk. māhendra in ˚bhavana "the abode of the Great Indra," and vaṛṣa "the rain of the Gr. I." (here as rain -- god), both at AvŚ i.210]. -- issāsa [Sk. maheṣvāsa] great in the art of the bow, a great archer S i.185; DhAi.358.
mahe˚ [mahā+i]: -- esakkha [mahā+īsa+khyaŋ; fr. īś] possessing great power or authority A ii.204; iii.244; Nd2 5032; Vism 419; Sdhp 511. The BSk. form is maheṣākhya evidently differing in its etymology. The P. etym. rests on the same grounds as esitatta in mahesi DhA iv.232. -- esi [mahā+isi; Sk. maharṣi] a great Sage A ii.26; Sn 208, 481, 646, 915, 1057, 1061; Th 1, 1132; 2, 149; Dh 422 (expld at DhA iv.232 as "mahantaŋ sīla -- kkhandh' ādīnaŋ esitattā m." cp. the similar expln at Nd2 503); Nd1 343; Vism 505; VbhA 110; PvA 1. -- esiyā=mahesī J vi.483. -- esī [in P. to be taken as mah+iś, as f. to īsa, but in Sk. (Vedic) as f. of mahiṣa, buffalo] chief queen, king's first wife, king's consort; also the wife of a great personage J ii.410; v.45; vi.425; Pug 56; Mhvs 2, 22 (pl. mahesiyo); VvA 184 (sixteen). Usually as agga -- mahesī, e. g. J i.262; iii.187, 393; v.88. -- esitta state of chief consort, queenship J v.443; Pv ii.1310; ThA 37; VvA 102. -- eseyya=˚esitta J v.91.
-- maho [mahā+u, or+o]: -- ogha the great flood (see ogha) Sn 4, 945; Dh 47, 287; DhA iii.433. -- odadhi the (great) ocean, the sea Sn 720, 1134; Miln 224; Mhvs 18, 8. -- odara big belly J vi.358 (addressing a king's minister). -- odika full of water, having much water; deep, full (of a river) Sn 319; J ii.159; Miln 346. -- oraga [m+uraga] a great snake J v.165.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
mahant: a. 大{(m.) 陽單主格mahā; 陽單業格mahantaṃ; 陽單具格mahatā, mahaccā; 陽單處格mahati; 陽複主格mahantā; (f.) 陰單主格mahī, mahatī; 陰複具格mahatīhi}
巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
mahanta , mahanta-parivena , mahantabhāva , mahantara , mahantatā , mahānoma , mahannavāpi , mahaṇṇava , mahāniyyāmarattha , mahanīya