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Mahāsuka Jātaka (No. 429)

The Bodhisatta was once king of the parrots and lived in a fig tree grove in the Himālaya. After some time the fruits of the trees on which he lived came to an end, but he still lived on there, eating bark or shoots or whatever else he could find. Sakka's throne was heated, and Sakka, assuming the form of a goose and accompanied by Sujā, visited the parrot and asked why he did not go elsewhere. The parrot answered that he did not wish to forsake old friends, and Sakka, pleased with this answer, promised him a boon. The parrot asked that the fig tree be made fruitful again, and this Sakka did.

The story was told in reference to a monk who had a pleasant dwelling place near a village, but who found alms difficult to get, the villagers becoming very poor. He became very discontented, but the Buddha asked him not to forsake his dwelling.

The Sakka of the story is identified with Anuruddha (J.iii.490 4). According to the Dhammapada Commentary (DhA.i.283ff), the story was related to Nigamavāsī Tissa (q.v.) and Sakka is identified with Ananda.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
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