Mahāyāna-saṃgraha 攝大乘論
‘The Mahāyāna Compendium’, a key work of the Yogācāra school in eleven chapters attributed to Asaṇga. It introduces various Yogācāra concepts such as the storehouse consciousness (ālaya-vijñāna), the three natures (tri-svabhāva), the fivefold path (pañca-mārga), and the fruits of enlightenment (bodhi). Although no Sanskrit original has been found, the work survives in Tibetan and Chinese translations together with several important commentaries.
theg bsdus
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] mahāyāna-saṃgraha
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Summary of the Great Vehicle [by Asaṅga; P5549, vol. 112]
theg pa chen po kun bsdus pa
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {MSA} mahāyāna-saṃgraha
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Summary of the Great Vehicle [by Asaṅga; P5549, vol. 112]
theg pa chen po bsdus pa
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] {MSA} mahāyāna-saṃgraha
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Summary of the Great Vehicle [by Asaṅga; P5549, vol. 112]
theg bsdus
- bsdu
- sdud
- bsdus
- sdus
[translation-san] mahāyāna-saṃgraha
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Summary of the Great Vehicle [by Asaṅga; P5549, vol. 112]