Mahilāmukha Jātaka (No. 26)
Brahmadatta, king of Benares, owned a state elephant, called Mahilāmukha, who was gentle and good. One day thieves sat down outside his stable and started talking of their plans for robbery, and murder. Several days in succession this happened, until at last, by dint of listening to them, Mahilāmukha became cruel and began to kill his keepers. The king sent his minister, the Bodhisatta, to investigate the matter. He discovered what had happened, and made good men sit outside the stables who talked of various virtues. The elephant regained his former goodness and gentleness.
The story was related in reference to a monk who was persuaded by a friend to eat at the monastery of Gayāsīsa, built for Devadatta by Ajātuattu. The monk would steal off there at the hour of the meal and then return to Veluvana. After some time his guilty secret was discovered, and he was admonished by the Buddha. He is identified with Mahilāmukha and the king with Ananda. J.i.185 8; see also Giridanta and Manoja Jātakas.
Mahisa Jātaka (No. 278). The Bodhisatta, was born once as a buffalo in Himavā. One day, as he stood under a tree, a monkey fouled him, and taking hold of his horn pulled him about. But the buffalo showed no resentment. This happened several times, and on being asked by the spirit of the tree why he endured it, the buffalo answered that it was by virtue of his goodness. Later the monkey tried his games on another buffalo, who killed him.
The story was told in reference to a monkey who, in the same way, fouled an elephant of Sāvatthi and escaped unhurt owing to the patience of the elephant. On another day a fierce elephant came from the stables and the monkey was trampled to death. J.i.385 7.