An Arahant. He went, after the Third Council, as preacher to the Himālaya country (Mhv.xii.6), accompanied by four others:
- Kassapagotta,
- Durabhissara,
- Sahadeva, and
- Mūlakadeva.
Dpv.viii.10; MT. (317) has Dundu-bhissara for Durabhissara; Mbv. (115) agrees with MT., but has Sahassadeva; Sp. (i.68) gives their names as Kassapagotta, Alokadeva, Dundubhissara, and Sahadeva.
Majjhima preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta and eighty crores of persons became sotāpannas. The five Elders, separately, converted five kingdoms, and each of them ordained one hundred thousand persons. Mhv.xii.41ff.
majjhima : [adj.] middle; medium; moderate; central.
Majjhima (adj.) [Vedic madhyama, with sound change ˚ama>˚ima after Geiger, P.Gr. 191, or after analogy with pacchima, with which often contrasted] 1. middle, medium, mediocre, secondary, moderate. -- Applied almost exclusively in contrast pairs with terms of more or less, in triplets like "small -- medium -- big," or "first -- middle -- last" (cp. majjha 3b); viz. (a) of degree: hīna -- m -- paṇīta D iii.215 (tisso dhātuyo); Dhs 1205<-> 1027 (dhammā); Vism 11 (sīlaŋ); h. m. ukkaṭṭha Vism 308; omaka m. ukkaṭṭha Vin iv.243; khuddaka m. mahā Vism 100; lāmaka m. paṇīta (i. e. lokuttara) DhsA 45 (dhammā);paritta -- m -- uḷāra Sdhp 260. <-> (b) of time: paṭhame yāme majjhima˚ pacchima˚ J i.75; id. with vaye PvA 5. -- 2. (nt.) majjhimaŋ the waist, in cpd. su -- majjhimā (f.) a woman with beautiful waist J v.4.
majjhima: I. a. 1.中[間] 2.中等