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otiṇṇa : [pp. of otarati] gone down; beset by; affected with.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Otiṇṇa [pp. of otarati; the form ava˚ only found in poetry as -- ˚ e. g. issâvatiṇṇa J v.98; dukkha˚, soka˚ etc. see below 2] -- 1. (med.) gone down, descended PvA 104 (uddho -- galaŋ na otiṇṇaŋ not gone down further than the throat). -- 2. (pass.) beset by (cp. avatāra 2), affected with, a victim of, approached by M i.460 = Aii.123 (dukkhɔ otiṇṇa) = It 89 (as v. l.; T. has dukkhâbhikiṇṇa, which is either gloss or wrong reading for dukkhâvatiṇṇa); M ii.10; S i.123 (sokâva˚), 137 (id.); Sn 306 (icchâvatiṇṇa affected with desire), 939 (sallena otiṇṇo = pierced by an arrow, expld. by Nd1 414 as "sallena viddho phuṭṭho"); J v.98 (issâva˚ = issāya otiṇṇa C.). -- 3. (in special sense) affected with love, enamoured, clinging to, fallen in love with Vin iii.128 (= sāratto apekkhavā paṭibaddha -- citto); A iii.67, 259 (˚citta); SnA 322 (id.). -- Note. otiṇṇa at S v.162 should with v.l. SS be deleted. See also avatiṇṇa.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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