over the afflictions
Dictionary Definition :
thub pa
[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA} muni
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Subduer; Silent One [epithet for Buddha]; short for ??kyamuni, conqueror [over the afflictions]
[translation-eng] {C} able; capable; sage
[comments] Should capacity"" be added to English, per example 1 ? {T}""
• [bod] skad cig ma gcig la spong thub pa la byed rigs pa'i phyir
• [eng] because of being suitable to refer to the capacity to abandon in one moment{PGP 82}
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
overapplication , overcome , overcoming, the 5 kinds of , overpower , overpowered , ovaṭṭikā , ovaṭtha , ovaṭa , ovassi , ovassati