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Dictionary Definition :

Pabhinna [pp. of pabhindati] 1. to burst open, broken (like a flower or fruit), flowing with juice; usually appld to an elephant in rut, mad, furious M i.236 (hatthi˚); Dh 326 (hatthi˚=mattahatthi DhA iv.24)= Th 1, 77; J iv.494; vi.488; Pv i.112 (read chinnapabhinna -- gatta); Miln 261, 312 (hatthināgaŋ tidhāpabhinnaŋ); DA i.37 (˚madaŋ caṇḍa -- hatthiŋ). -- 2. developed, growing Miln 90 (˚buddhi).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,