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Dictionary Definition :

Paccagū (adj. -- n.) [a difficult word, composed of pacca+ gū, the latter a by -- form of ˚ga, as in paṭṭhagū, vedagū pāragū. pacca may be praṭya, an adv. formn of prep. praṭi, and paṭṭha its doublet. It is not certain whether we should read paṭṭhagū here as well (see paṭṭhagū). The form may also be expld as a substantivised pl. 3rd pret. of praṭi+gacchati=paccaguŋ] "one who goes toward," a pupil S i.104 (Mārassa); vv. ll. baddhabhū, paṭṭhagū. Windisch, Māra & Buddha trsls "unter M's Herrschaft," and refers paṭṭhagu to Sk., pātyagāḥ. Bdhgh (see Kindred Sayings, 1, p. 319) reads baddhagū and explns by bandhavara sissa antevāsika.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,