Padahati [pa+dhā] 1. to strive, exert D iii.221 (cittaŋ paggaṇhāti p.); PvA 31 (yoniso p.). -- 2. to confront, take up, fight against, stand J vi.508 (usīraŋ muñjapubbajaŋ urasā padahessāmi "I shall stand against the grasses with my chest"; C. expls by dvedhā katvā purato gamissāmi, i. e. break and go forward). <-> Note. padahasi at J iv.383 read pade hasi (see Windisch, Māra & B. p. 124 & Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 51. Windisch takes padahasi as pa+dah to burn, & translates "du willst das Feuer brennen," i. e. you attempt something impossible, because the fire will burn you). -- pp. pahita (q. v.).