Padakkhiṇa (adj.) [pa+dakkhiṇa] 1. "to the right," in phrase padakkhiṇaŋ karoti (with acc. of object) to hold (a person, etc.) to one's right side, i. e. to go round so as to keep the right side turned to a person, a mode of reverential salutation Vin i.17; S i.138; A i.294; ii.21, 182; iii.198; Sn 1010; J i.50, 60; iii.392. <-> 2. "(prominent) with the right," i. e. skilful, clever, quick in learning J iv.469 (=susikkhita C.). -- 3. lucky, auspicious, turning out well or favourable Jv.353 (=sukha -- nipphattin vuddhi -- yutta C.).
-- ggāhin "right -- handed," i. e. cleverly taking up (what is taught), good at grasping or understanding A iii.79, 180, v.24 sq., 90, 338; DhA ii.105. -- Opp.appadakkhiṇaggāhin "left -- handed," unskilled, untrained (cp. Ger. "linkisch") S ii.204 sq.; J iii.483. -- ggāhitā skilfulness, quick grasp, cleverness KhA 148.